P&C News
Uniform Shop
Now that the restrictions have eased the uniform shop is back to trading as normal. It is open every Monday morning from 8:30am to 9am. Come in and see Catherine for all of your uniform needs. EFTPOS is available.
New Faction Shirts
The P&C is proud to present our new SunSmart faction shirts. The shirts are light, cool and designed for sportswear. They are available in childrens sizes 4- 16 for $21 and Adult sizes small, medium and large for $25.
Show your support for your faction and get into a SunSmart shirt!
Mother’s Day Stall
The annual Mother’s Day stall was held on Tuesday in the P&C room.
It was a lot of fun and the children were able to buy something for the special woman in their life. Thank you to everyone who purchased and supported our fundraiser. So far, we have made a $650 profit and expect to make more on our second chance stall. This will be held this afternoon from 2.45 until approximately 3.30. If you want a say in where we spend the money raised, please join us on Monday May 9 at 7pm during our P&C meeting. You can join us in person or online. Just email us at marangaroopandc@gmail.com so we can send you a link to join the meeting.
The P&C would like to thank all the people who volunteered their time and donated goods to sell. Particularly Mike Rowston, Catherine Smith, Danica Charlton and Alisha Rizzo.
Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful Women in our community.
We hope you have a joyful and relaxing Sunday.
New Playground Equipment
One of the new purchases funded by the P&C has found its way onto school grounds during the holidays! Thank you to Mike Rowston and his wonderful boys Eli, William and Ben for their hard work building the new equipment.
We are always looking for new members to join us and voice opinions and make plans. The P&C Meeting will be held in the staff room at 7pm. You can also join us online. Simply email us at marangaroopandc@gmail.com for a link to meeting.
NEXT MEETING Term 2, week 3 Monday 9 May 2022