Principal's Message
We have had a terrific start to Term Two, with students settling back into normal routines quickly. We have a busy term ahead, with NAPLAN for Years Three and Five starting in Week Three, our Interschool lightening carnival for the older students towards the end of the term, and lots of fun and learning in between.
I would like to thank Mrs Rogers for organising our ANZAC Commemorative Service, which took place last Thursday. This service, as well as the activities undertaken in classrooms around the school, provided an important opportunity to pause to acknowledge and remember those who have made sacrifices for the freedoms we have today.
Yesterday, the P&C held their annual Mother's Day stall in the P&C room, with many gifts being purchased for Mums, Grandmothers, Aunties and carers. We wish all Mums and carers a happy Mother's Day for this Sunday - we hope you get spoilt!
Friday 20 May is P&C Day, where we acknowledge the work that P&Cs do in schools. We are very grateful for all the support the P&C provide the students at Marangaroo and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them, on behalf of the whole school community, for all their hard work!
The Department of Health have requested we host a pop-up COVID vaccination clinic at our school, which will take place on Monday 23 May (revised date). We will send out information in the coming weeks to confirm the process. Parents will need to be present with their child if they wish for them to be vaccinated. Parents will also have the opportunity to be vaccinated if they choose.
Given the recent relaxing of COVID restrictions, we are delighted to welcome parents back into the classrooms. This is a great opportunity for your child to show you what they've been learning in class and draw a connection between home and school.
As you know, mask wearing is no longer required at school. The only exception to this is for adults who are household close contacts, who must wear a mask for seven days after exposure. While students are no longer required to wear a mask, they are most welcome to. If your child becomes a household close contact, they are required to return a negative RAT each morning they come to school.
If your child tests positive to COVID, please phone the school on 9462 9999 as we are still required to report this to the Department of Education, in addition to parents needing to report this to the Department of Health. Positive students must isolate for seven days from the time they return a positive RAT or PCR.
We have been told we will receive some saliva RATs to distribute to families. As soon as we receive them, we will communicate how they will be distributed.
On Friday 3 June, our school will be closed for a staff development day. This day backs onto the WA Day long weekend, making it a four-day weekend for students.
We have three positions on the school board which have been vacated as a result of those members reaching the end of their tenure. If you would like to nominate for a parent representative position on the school board, please email me by next Friday 13 May. If we have more nominations than positions, we will hold a vote. Please get in touch with me if you would like any further information about the school board and its functions.
As always, if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Adrian Keenan