Welcome to 

The M Chat Issue 20

Messages from the Front Office

Virtual Assembly

Our second assembly for 2022 was held on Friday 8 April.  The students below were recipients of a Successful Student Award. 


James Andersen

Nathan Baliban

Xavier Candemir

Henry Do

Seth Gard

LowKey Hill

Oliver Jones

Jayson Lam

Danika Miki

Travis Morris

Kevin Nguyen

Sun Ny Nguyen

Nisa Panetta

Jamie Pham

Alicia Taing

Jaxon Teariki

Maksim Torbakov


Congratulations to them all.  


Unfortunately we only have a few photos to share.



School Photo Day

Our School Photos will be taken on: Tuesday 17 May 2022 


Class Photos/Portraits: 

  • Every Student will have their photo taken, whether they are purchasing photos or not.
  • The school has chosen to use the online ordering system. The children have all be given an online instruction slip with unique student shoot key. 
  • Logon to www.msp.com.au and follow the prompts to place your order. 
  • If you lose your shoot key the school administration will have a copy to quote back to you. 
  • The expiry date for online ordering is the Monday 23 May 2022. Any orders received after this date will incur a $30.00 archive fee. 
  • Spare envelopes (green) are available at school reception should you wish to pay via cash, however they are limited as online payment is the preferred option. 

Family Photos: 

  • Envelopes can be obtained from Administration. 
  • Family photos are taken in the morning before school.
  • Please ensure that your family envelope and payment are handed to the Photographers on photo day. 
  • If you do not have the correct money, we will provide any change needed when photos are delivered to school. 
  • Family photos cannot be ordered online. 
  • Once school has received photos, family photos will remain at reception for parents to collect. 

Please Note: Individuals and Family Images are not available to view online for Students’ Security. If for any reason you need to contact MSP regarding your child’s photos you will be asked to provide your child’s shoot key as identification.

Phasing out cash payments

For various operational reasons, including the closure of local Bank branches, we have decided to phase out the acceptance of cash for school fees and excursions. We request that by the end of term 2 all families make payments by direct deposit to the school bank account or through EFTPOS in the front office. 


Reminder: If you are making direct deposits to the school account, can you please ensure that you provide a reference that includes the CHILD'S NAME AND YEAR GROUP to allow for timely processing. 

For example: J Citizen yr 1

BSB: 066 040 

Account: # 19905042


Voluntary Contributions

Thank you to those families that have already paid their voluntary contributions for the year.   


The amount asked from parents is determined by the School Board each year. The monies available are used to offset the cost of photocopying, ICT charges and the replacement of non-consumable books and items that students use in class e.g. reading books. The total amount of contributions parents and carers are being asked to pay for students is $60 per student – this is the maximum amount set in the School Education Regulations.  Families with two or more children are asked to contribute $120 per family.  Our P&C can also be included with an amount of $20 per family.


Payment can be made at the front office with card, or by direct deposit to our bank account.  Our bank account details are provided above.

Lost Property


Parents if your child is missing jackets, hats, water bottles or even lunch boxes, can you please come and take a look through the ever growing lost property box.   This is located in the undercover area, near the canteen door. All unlabeled items not collected by week 3 will be donated to the uniform shop.  





Horseshoe Kiss 'n Ride

For the safety and convenience of all kiss 'n ride users, please remain with your vehicle at all times. This is strictly a NO PARKING area. 


If you arrive late to school and wish to accompany your child/ren to the office you must park in designated parking areas not in the kiss n' ride as it inconveniences others who are using the facility correctly.


To avoid a back up of cars in the driveway and congestion on Giralt Road a "No Right Turn" sign has been erected leading onto Giralt Road at the exit of the driveway.  Please take note of this and only turn left utilising the roundabout at Addington Way to continue in a Northerly direction on Giralt Road.   


We have had complaints from the residents on Giralt Road directly opposite from the school regarding parents parking on their front verges.  It is also a safety concern with people crossing there instead of the designated crosswalk a little further along Giralt Road.  Our school is fortunate to have the use of the Marangaroo Gold Club parking area with direct access to the school grounds.  Please respect our neighbours and use this carpark or the bays on Addington Way if you are driving to school and walking your children to their classroom.


School Gardener

We would like to welcome back Hayden Swain to Marangaroo Primary School in his familiar role of school gardener.  Some of you may remember Hayden from when he was here from 2012 until 2014.  It's great to have you back Hayden.