From the Principal

Leila Mattner 


Welcome back to everybody for Term Two, and in particular to Keeley and her family joining the St Paul community! Whether you were taking a holiday from work or simply enjoying a break in the rush for clean school uniforms each morning, I hope that the last two weeks have been restful.


As we move into this term, a number of changes mean that we will be able to proceed with camps and excursions this term and beyond, as well as other events. I value and appreciate your patience as we maintain some restrictions within the school to slow the spread of COVID-19, for the benefit of vulnerable children and family members, as well as to ensure that we have enough healthy staff to continue to work with your wonderful children.


An updated St Paul COVID-19 Procedures document was emailed to all families on Friday 29 April. Please ask at the school office if you would like to have this document sent to you again, if you would like a printed copy, or if you have any questions about the information provided.

Term 2 Student-Free Day 

Please note that we have planned an additional student free day in Term 2, on Friday 10th June (Week 6). The following Monday, 13th is the Queen’s birthday public holiday.

This will serve two purposes: 

  1. A day to give our teachers time for report writing. Usually teachers manage report writing during the working week and over weekends, however they will already be using additional time during each week to continue to support home learners.
  2. To create a proactive four-day COVID-19 circuit breaker to the entire school (with the public holiday Monday) during winter.

SPLASH will be available on that day for essential care with a capped number of enrolment places.


Leila Mattner | Principal