Living Justice

Caritas Project Compassion

It was a busy end to Term 1. The last week was full of Easter excitement and so we cashed in on Hot Cross Bun sales and sold raffle tickets for Easter Egg hampers. 


The cashless system and use of EFTPOS this year proved to be a great move with many students opting to use their cards and phones to contribute to our Project Compassion fundraising. A total of $2502.10 was raised! 


Congratulations to all the hamper winners. Also a big thank you to all the performers who shared their talents in between the raffle drawing. Next year will be bigger and better!

Palm Sunday Rally

Thank you to the students who gave up their time on Palm Sunday (10 April) to join the protest rally and march for the rights of refugees. Our small group joined the throng of many others at the State Library in the city and marched together to the Park Hotel in Carlton. We were addressed by a number of speakers, none more impressive than Sister Brigid Arthur and Reverend Tim Costello. 

Many asylum seekers are still detained in offshore detention centres and have been waiting for permission to enter Australia for a long time, some for years. This march aimed to bring their plight to the attention of our government leaders.


Trish Moloney

Living Justice Leader