Grade 3/4 News
Week 2, Term 2
Grade 3/4 News
Week 2, Term 2
All of the Year 3/4 classes have made such a great start to Term 2. We have particularly enjoyed immersing ourselves in our Topic unit about Sustainability and Conservation. Some of the interesting things we have learned about so far include:
We have completed a wide range of Maths, Reading and Writing activities that relate to this fantastic Topic unit and have particularly focused on our Persuasive Writing skills, completing a piece of writing that discussed whether or not we should reduce the amount of plastic that is used around the world.
In preparation for next week's NAPLAN testing, we ask that all Year 3 students bring their netbooks and chargers to school this Friday. They will be kept securely in the classroom to make sure that they are all fully charged and ready to go for NAPLAN. They will then be returned to students at the end of Week 3 once all of the NAPLAN testing has been completed.
Thankyou for your assistance with this!
Mathematics: We are beginning our next topic of 'Addition and Subtraction' in our Maths Fluid Groups. Testing was completed last term in preparation for this and students will continue to work in groups that best suit their individual learning needs. We will also be covering the topic of 'Data' in our Applied Maths sessions.
Writing & Reading: Despite some interruptions from NAPLAN, we are excited to investigate some of the many devices and forms of poetry over these next two weeks. We will also practise using chunking as we read and explore the different parts that make up a word including suffixes, prefixes and base words.
Topic: Continuing on with our unit of Sustainability and Conservation, students will explore 'Life Cycles' and 'Carbon Footprints' during this fortnight.