Year Prep - Year 2

Assistant Principal's Report

Hello & welcome back to Pakenham Springs in 2020!!

I hope that everyone stayed safe and had a thoroughly relaxing and enjoyable holiday break spent with friends and family.  You may have noticed that whilst staff and students were enjoying a break, that we had people on-site, completing our new garden area which has come up a treat!  Being out in the yard these past few days, it has been really evident that the students are loving the area. When walking through corridors, and spending time in classes, it has been really evident too that the classes have been very settled.  It has been particularly pleasing to see just how well our new Prep students have adjusted to the expectations and routines of school.


Across the school, there has been a real emphasis on revising and reinforcing our core school values of respect, responsibility and resilience.  Ms Griffin, along with her Senior School Art elective group, has also created some very bright and catchy signs that have gone up around the school to highlight these.  Students are really clear, not just on what the values are, but also how they can be displayed in different settings of the school and I have seen a lot of Froggy Dollars being handed out.


Until then, take care.



Danny Forster 

Assistant Principal (Junior School)