Careers Information

Careers Expo

The Career Expo in the Illawarra has been organised for local students for over 40 years and is on again at the Illawarra Credit Union Sports and Hockey Stadium at Waples Road, Unanderra. High school students from across the region attended sessions and students from Lake Illawarra High School attended on TUESDAY 8TH MAY.

The Expo was a great opportunity for students to seek out hundreds of career options and speak to the variety of representatives all in one place. TAFE, universities, apprenticeship centre and the defence force are only but a few of the organisations in attendance.


Students were fantastic participants and learned a great deal about career options. 

Work Experience

A number of Year 10 students successfully participated in work experience during Term 1. This is a very worthwhile experience for all students to be involved in as it could open doors to further opportunities and build interest towards different careers. Students actively participated in careers such as teaching, manufacturing and fabrication, retail, carpentry, cabinetmaking and hairdressing.

At Lake Illawarra HS, students in Year 10 are able to do work experience again during Term 2 and 3, as well as late Term 4. So, if students are keen to do more than one week of work experience to help finalise future planning, it is possible.

Disability Tour

Four students interested in careers in the Disability Industry travelled to three areas in the Illawarra that are commercial agencies for people requiring Supported Employment. Flagstaff, Industry Vocational Services and Greenacres all offer employment for people with disabilities. Volunteer opportunities that could lead into casual work was explained and students were able to see first-hand the different levels of work available.



Wollongong Town Hall Tuesday 12th June 2018

This is an excellent opportunity to talk to representatives from the major universities and support the best possible decisions about Tertiary options for 2018. Our school will be attending during the day and interested Year 11 and 12 students are invited. No cost involved.

There will be representatives from Bond University, Australia National University, UTS, Macquarie, Australian Catholic University, University of Sydney, UNSW, Charles Sturt University, Notre Dame, University of Canberra and the University of Wollongong. There will also be representatives from the University Admission Centre talking about University preferences and enrolment processes.

Careers Website and Facebook

Remember to use  the Lake Illawarra High School Careers website: as it has lots of information for you to research or help students in planning future ideas. All Year 10 students have been actively using the website in Careers lessons this year.

The Lake Illawarra High School Careers Facebook page also has useful information of upcoming events, jobs and courses. It is important to like the page to know what is happening here at school and in the wider community.

Learning Labs

While some students relaxed or studied during the last school holidays, six students from Lake Illawarra HS attended the University of Wollongong Learning Labs. Learning Labs is an enrichment program for high achieving students to work with teachers in specialist training in a specific interest. The workshops ran for two days and is a fantastic experience to extend our talented students. Topics ranged from Momentum Mathematics, Vomit a Novella and Pop Culture to name a few. Well done Jacob Croston, Alex Fletcher, Cilla Wilson, Athena Hayward, Jacquilene Burns and Kiara Brennan.

Three year 12 students from 2017 came back to the school to talk to Year 11 and 12 seniors. Brittany has continued with her work at St George Bank at Figtree and is planning a future career in finance, Reme is at UOW doing a Bachelor of Arts degree enjoying philosophy and law subjects and Jordan is successfully planning his future career as a boilermaker.

All have adjusted to the working world and school life seems such a long time ago. Words of wisdom and the challenges they faced during Year 12 were discussed openly. It was great to have them speak so confidently in a public forum about what they are now doing and what they plan to do in the future. I wish them and all the other Yr 12's from last year continued success in their futures.