SPC Alumni News

Graduating Class of 2000 20 Year Reunion

This year is the 20 Year Anniversary of this graduating class and we would love to see them back at the College in August to catch up on all their news and to share all the College news.

If you are or know a 2000 Graduating student from St. Peter’s College, we would love to hear from you.


Graduating Class of 2010 10 Year Reunion

It’s now 10 years on from your Year 12 at St. Peter’s College. So Let’s celebrate and catch-up on all your news.

If you are or know a 2010 Graduating student from St. Peter’s College, we would love to hear from you.

We have posted ‘Save the Date’ notices late last year to both of these groups at their last know addresses, but if you haven’t updated your details with our office, we may not have been able to reach you or your past classmates.


Save the Date

  • Date: 1 August 2020
  • Partners invited to attend
  • All details TBA

Intention to Attend

Please send an email to April Hampson, Marketing Manager, with your intention to attend (or your inability to attend) response. This will allow us to keep you up to date with all activities in relation to this very important evening, regardless of whether you can attend or not.

If you know of any past classmates who may have changed address, please ask them to contact the College Office by phone 5990 7777 or send an email to so we can update our address files and keep in contact with them.


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Please Click Here.