Students of the week

Term 1   

Week 5

Foundation A

Esti C - For your positive attitude to school and learning. Every day you come in excited to see what you have on and you always greet your teacher with a cheery good morning. We are lucky to have such a kind and friendly student like you in Foundation A! Well done!


Foundation B

Scarlett R - Congratulations Scarlett!


Foundation C

Isla M-S - Amazing job giving everything a red hot go everyday Isla!! Especially when trying to sound out your words during diary writing! Well done superstar!



Mikaylah C - For starting the year like a superstar! You are such a respected and valued member of 1A, always putting 100% in when it comes to your learning. You have settled into a new school so beautifully. Keep up the amazing work Mikaylah!



Millie E-R - Millie consistently displays the value of friendship. She is very in tune to the needs and feelings of others and always make sure that her peers are included and supported. We are incredibly lucky to have such a kind and caring member of our class!



Harlen H - For all the effort that you have put into your learning. You are kicking ‘SO’ many goals in all areas of learning especially in spelling. Keep up the great work you super star! Well Done Harlen!



Mikaela T - You are an amazing role model for the 2A classroom. Your ability to continually make good choices with your learning and friendships is admirable. You are sensitive, kind and inquisitive. We love it when you share your knowledge and stories with the class. You are fabulous Mikaela!!!



James V - James has made an excellent start in Grade 2! He always enthusiastically participates during learning time and gives every task a go. He is always so kind and caring towards others and willing to lend a hand. 2B is lucky to have you in the classroom. Keep up the great work James!



Eli G - Reading is an awesome thing to do and it’s so awesome that you choose to read non-fiction texts in our CAFÉ reading lessons. You are going to learn so many interesting things about the world by the end of this year if you keep up your amazing reading. Well done also on your superstar drawings. Your illustrations on the family portrait task were insanely good. Congratulations Eli!



Henry B - For an incredibly descriptive orientation in your narrative. We love how deliciously magical “Food World” sounds and can’t wait to hear where the story goes! You have had such an awesome start to grade 3. You are helpful, kind and thoughtful. We love having you in 3/4A!



Saige M - Saige is a superstar inside and out of the classroom. She tries her hardest in everything that she does and always has a smile on her face. Congratulations Saige on the high standard of bookwork that you have produced so far this year and also on your outstanding performance in swimming representing our school!



Eve A-B - Eve has displayed the school values in all areas of the classroom. She completes all tasks with drive and determination and is always keen to share her thoughts and opinions. She has also been a brilliant role model for her peers, by leading by example and helping others. Keep up the excellent work Eve!



Angelique E - Angelique is an observant and helpful class member. If she sees that another classmate requires some assistance, she is there in a flash. She has worked well in groups and has used her time productively, paying increased attention to her quality and quantity of completed tasks. We are lucky to have a classmate like you Angelique!



Selby T - Selby has settled into life in grade 5 extremely well after his return from his amazing holiday. Thank you for being such a friendly and positive member of 5/6A Selby. We are so lucky to have you in our class and look forward to more of your funny and insightful contributions this year!



Lilly H - Lilly has made a great start to 2020. She is a focussed and organised learner who is growing in confidence. Lilly definitely has blossoming leadership qualities! Keep up the awesomeness!



Matheo C - Matheo has had a great start to his time at Montmorency Primary School. He has quickly made friends and brings interesting and exciting stories to our class meetings. Great job Matheo!



Keira S - Being a chicken monitor is a big job and Keira has demonstrated enthusiasm and responsibility toward her role. Well done Keira! You have shown great dedication to our chickens


Principal Award-

Alana M- For being AMAZING and showing grit and determination!