School Council 

School Council News

The last meeting of the 2019 school council, the AGM and the first meeting of the 2020 school council were held on Tuesday night.  We thanked and farewelled parent members Steve Hooton and Craig Cassidy as they finish their two-year term on council.  Zoe Girbau and Kevin Wilcockson as DET members were also thanked and farewelled.  All four members have generously given up time to attend meetings and support all sorts of school events.  The remainder of the meeting was spent reflecting on the successes of 2019 and looking ahead to what can be achieved in 2020 across all facets of the school.

At the AGM we welcomed new parent members Amy Barclay and Scott Blackford and DET members Rebekah Rentos and Dylan Haeusler.  Office Bearers for 2020 were nominated and are as follows:

  • President – Nicole MacDonald
  • Vice President – Kirsty Leahy
  • Secretary – Kristie Morrison

Dave Koolstra will continue to convene the Buildings and Grounds Sub-committee, where he is doing a fantastic job of dreaming big and importantly following up with action for our school!  We are lucky to have such passion on school council.  Bal Singh will continue to lead the finance sub-committee and his expertise is valued and appreciated.  Overall, the 2020 school council will be working collaboratively with the staff of the school to continue to create and consolidate the respectful, friendly, safe and strong learning community we have at Monty Primary.


Kirsty Leahy on behalf of School Council.