A Health and Wellbeing Message

A Health and Wellbeing Message 


Having a Growth Mindset

You may have chatted with your children about having a Growth Mindset or had conversations with them about this language being used in their classrooms.

In a nutshell: ‘Neuroplasticity is the science behind growth mindset. It’s the reason we can develop skills and knowledge through effort, practise, and persistence.

As educational concepts go, the theory of growth mindset is still relatively new. While Dr. Carol Dweck’s research began 30 years ago, it wasn’t until 2006 that her Mindset: The New Psychology of Success introduced us to the life-changing idea that attributing success to perseverance rather than innate ability leads to a happier life.

Think back to the first time you drove a car. It may have seemed like a hopelessly complicated process: position your hands at 10 and 2, brake at the right times, follow all traffic laws, and keep an eye on other drivers.

You could have said, “I just don’t have it in me. Driving isn’t my thing.” This would be a FIXED mindset way of thinking. But instead, you took the GROWTH mindset approach: you practiced, practiced, and practiced some more. Now, driving is probably second nature, something you can do while singing along to the radio.’

Reference Big Life Journal


If you click on the links below there are a couple of posters that you may like to use at home to encouragea Growth Mindset in your child.