CHPS Art Show 2019

Last Wednesday night we held our whole school Art Show. Thank you to the many members of the school community who helped make this such a successful evening.


The fundraising activities raised $2,835 for The Friends of the Hudad. The school is up and running and all funds raised will go towards its upkeep and maintenance.


Many thanks to all those who helped out in so many ways including working on the BBQ, the Bar, selling raffle tickets, working on the cake stall and helping out on the Flower Room. As usual, Nia did so much behind the scenes to ensure the smooth running of the event. Thanks also to Jenny, Roz, the Grade 6 bands and 4WJ for the entertainment.


A special thank you to all the hard work done by the many students who helped out, both on the evening and in the weeks prior to the show. Their enthusiasm was inspiring.


Rosy and Clare