
Farewell Year 12


Year 12 students have been enjoying their last formal week of schooling before retreating to study for their up coming Higher School Certificate examinations. Each day of the week has had a different theme. There were nerds, pj's, 1st letter of the alphabet, clowns and aussie icons. 

The dance off
Dressing up for the social
The dance off
Dressing up for the social

Year 12 Graduation Assembly

On Wednesday Year 12 students, their families, friends, school staff and students attended a formal assembly where each Year 12 student was handed their awards and portfolios. 

Graduation Assembly
BCS Choir performing at Graduation Assembly
Graduation Assembly
BCS Choir performing at Graduation Assembly
2018 Captains Stacey Wales & Tiffany Campbell
Senior Advisor Miss Madeleine Tyson
2018 Captains Stacey Wales & Tiffany Campbell
Senior Advisor Miss Madeleine Tyson

Boorowa Team brings home the trophy

The open boys touch team had the pleasure of presenting the CHS Central Schools Open Boys Touch trophy to Mrs Hambly and the school. Their coach Mr Andrew Corcoran presented each team member with a hoodie that is embroidered with the words ' Undefeated Champions'. Congratulations boys!

Years 9 and 10 Building Brigdes geography excursion

Year 9/10 geography students joined 31 volunteers from North Sydney Bushland Team from Friday 7 to Sunday 9 September 2018 for their  annual trip to Boorowa to plant trees and shrubs to provide habitat for local wildlife, including the Superb Parrot.

The North Sydney volunteers  started their journey early Friday morning, 7:00am sharp, a convoy of two buses and two cars headed south across the Harbour Bridge to Boorowa.  On arrival to Boorowa  all had a quick lunch break then headed straight out to sites to get the planting underway.

Linda Cavanagh – Boorowa Community Landcare Group Coordinator and Heather McLeod – BCLG led the group out to Chris and Ingrid Corcorans property, Ballagh, where they planted 880 plants.  The Boorowa students helped with this planting and enjoyed a substantial amount of the wonderful afternoon tea put on by our hosts. The volunteers went on to plant  approximately 4695 plants​ on various properties around the Boorowa district. 

The Building Bridges to Boorowa Program is a unique opportunity for city dwellers to influence environmental issues of national significance .Every year for the past 19 years, around 30 Sydney-based volunteers have traveled to Boorowa, to lend a hand to local Landcarers and farmers. The volunteers plant native trees, shrubs and groundcovers to create wildlife corridors and address environmental degradation such as erosion and salinity.

Our students in joining this group have helped shape the ecological and social fabric by learning about how we can help provide habitat for the  vulnerable Superb Parrot (Polytelis swainsonii)​ and meet and work alongside voltunteers from Sydney.  This was a reciprocal excursion of the Building Bridges to Boorowa trip to North Sydney earlier this year.

Boorowa Central is very appreciative of the sponsorship that it has received from Boorowa Landcare and Sydney Bushcare to enable our students to be part of the Building bridges initiative.