Whole School News

Forms/Payments Due

  • Hands on Science Incursion - Year 2 - $13.00 - OVERDUE
  • Book Week Author Visit incursion - whole school - $4.00 - OVERDUE
  • Summer Interschool Sports - Year 5 & 6 - $16.00 - OVERDUE

Federation Walk & National Gallery of Victoria Excursion - Year 6 - $30.00 due 9th August

Sushi Day - cash only - due 16th August 

Polly Woodside excursion - Year 4 - $20.00 due 16th August

Small Business Excursion - Year 5 - $7.00 due 22nd August

Fairytale Fiasco - Foundation - $12.00 due 23rd August

Sickbay clothes

We are in desperate need of size 4 and 6 tracksuit pants. If you have any to spare please send them to the sickbay. 

If your child has been given a change of clothes at school can you please ensure you wash and return the items to the sickbay the next day.