English and Literacy

This year, teaching staff at John Fawkner College are continuing to further their expertise regarding the teaching and assessing of literacy across all domains, as we strive to improve our students' ability to read and write with confidence in the increasingly complex world beyond school. We recognise that effective teachers of literacy have a deep understanding of how literacy learning develops over time, and that we must provide our students with opportunities to develop reading and writing skills in all subject areas.
To do this work effectively, we must first understand where our students are in their learning journey so that we know what literacy skills our students require to progress. We use diagnostic achievement testing to establish what students are capable of, then use this assessment data to inform our teaching practice. It is crucial that students try their very best in these assessment periods so that we are able to determine an accurate picture of their skills and knowledge.
Once we broadly ascertain students' literacy levels, we can use this to inform our teaching practice and assure we are developing the skills and knowledge students need. Based on our analysis of student learning data at JFC, we will be focusing our teaching this year on improving students' ability to summarise, make inferences and use sophisticated, academic vocabulary.
Teachers will demonstrate the use of these literacy skills and strategies, modelling to students how to use them to assist with decoding texts and expressing ideas. In all subjects, teachers will provide daily opportunities for students to independently practice literacy strategies and create conditions that foster a learning environment that is appropriately challenging for students.
We look forward to working with our students across this year, supporting them to experience success in the classroom and beyond.
Ashleigh Hudson
English Domain Leader