Years 9 & 10 Update

John Fawkner College would like to welcome back Year 9 and 10 students for the 2021 school year. We hope all students have had an enjoyable and relaxing holiday and are ready for a busy and productive year.
In our first week back at school all students in Years 9 and 10 received an introductory presentation which included a reminder about key school policies relating to attendance, equipment, punctuality, uniform, work completion and the use of mobile phones. JFC asks that if any parent requires clarification of these policies to contact the school where they can be explained in more detail.
JFC believes that acknowledging positive student behaviour is an important part of improving overall student performance and to this end we will continue to recognise positive behaviour via the allocation of values cards and certificates as we move through the year. These rewards will be distributed daily and at year level assemblies which will be held regularly.
On Wednesday February 10 the annual School Swimming Carnival was held at the Oak Park Swimming Centre. Fortunately, we had a perfect day in terms of weather and it was pleasing to see the large number of Year 9 and 10 students involved in the day’s activities.
Year 9 and 10 students have also been given the opportunity to indicate their interest in participating in interschool sport which will return this year and we anticipate students’ will be enthusiastic about the return of the interschool sport program.
Once again, JFC welcomes all year 9 and 10 students back and we look forward to an enjoyable and successful year.
Graham McKee
Year 9/10 Sub School Coach