Principal's Update

As we now move closer to the mid point of Term 1, we again find ourselves in a Remote and Flexible Learning Period. Whilst we would all prefer for students to be at school and in classrooms, we will certainly ensure that all students and families are supported during this period.
COLLEGE INTERVENTION AND LEARNING SUPPORT PROGRAMS (Middle Years Literacy and Numeracy Support / QuickSmart / Tutor Learning Initiative)
In 2021 our quality intervention programs increase with the new Tutor Learning Initiative. The College has received funding to employ 2 tutors who will work with students that have been identified as needing an increased level of support in literacy and numeracy as a result of challenges in 2020 and COVID 19.
Further, the College MYLNS program will see an increase in the time allocation provided and QuickSmart will continue to provide support for students in Years 7 and 8.
All of these programs will ensure that students are supported in their learning at JFC.
It was exciting to see so many students at our Swimming Carnival. This event has gone from strength to strength over the past few years and this year was no exception.
There is a more detailed report further in this newsletter, but thank you to all involved.
The John Fawkner College School Council is continuing to seek interested and committed people who would like to nominate to be a School Council Member. This is an exciting opportunity for parents within our community to engage and support the school on our journey of improving outcomes for our students.
Nomination forms may be obtained from the school and must be lodged by 4:00pm on Friday 5 March 2021.
Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school. The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:
Membership Category | Term of Office | Number of Positions |
Parent Member | 1 position until March 2022 1 positions until March 2023 | 2 |
Community Member | 2 positions until March 2023 | 2 |
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.
On Thursday 18 March 2021, commencing at 6pm, the Annual John Fawkner College Public Reporting Meeting will be held at the College. School councils must call a public reporting meeting at least once each year and report the proceedings of the council since the date of the previous public meeting. The council must present the endorsed annual report to the meeting and, if the school council accounts have been audited, present a copy of the audited accounts. Any members of our community wishing to attend the meeting should RSVP via the front office.
This year will see the introduction of a Community Action Team which will be made up of Community Organisations and Employers who are willing to work with the College and support our students.
This team will meet monthly and be chaired by the College Principal Team. If you know of a community organisation or employer who would like to work more closely with the College, please contact me via Compass.
In 2020, the College received $50,000 from the Victorian School Building Authority to revise our Masterplan for new school buildings.
The interest demonstrated by the State Government in our school as well as Fawkner Primary School who also received Capital Works money in the last state budget, shows a willingness to support the Fawkner Community community.
In the coming months I look forward to reporting to you on the development of our masterplan.