Languages- Japanese

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2021, and welcome your input:

Sensei Masae Uekusa (Japanese) 


Masae Sensei
Masae Sensei



Foundation students have been introduced to the Japanese class routine including classroom instructions (‘Please stand up/sit down’), 3 important greeting phrases (‘Good morning’, ‘Good afternoon’ and ‘Good-bye’) and ‘Thank you’ through participating in the greeting song. They have also learnt how their Japanese name sounds like with the title (‘-kun’: Mr/ ‘-san’: Ms) and how it looks like while decorating their very first Japanese book cover page. The students enjoyed saying their ‘Ohayou!’/’Konnichiwa’ one by one. Well done Foundation students!


Grade 1/2:

In the first lesson for Grade 1 and 2 students, they brainstormed their ‘superpowers’ they already have involving Japanese language. They revised Japanese greeting phrases and answered the roll question ‘Genki desu ka? (How are you?)’ in Japanese. The students loved choosing their Japanese book cover and decorated nicely. This year they can also change their Class Dojo monsters into their favourite Japanese characters. You can imagine how excited the students were!


Grade 3/4:

Grade 3 and 4 students have started term 1 Japanese class by revising the key self-introductory phrase ‘My name is….’ in Japanese as it is a key phrase for the term 1 unit ‘Hello Mr/Ms Lucky! Game Show’. They successfully introduced their name entirely in Japanese with the help of the teacher’s cues. The students also chose their favourite look of their Japanese book cover and decorated it. They had a lovely start to the year.


Grade 5/6:

During the first lesson of Grade 5 and 6 students, they had an opportunity to investigate their own and their peers’ knowledge about Japan through the ‘Find someone who… BINGO’ interview activity. Through this meaningful interview, the students got to learn about Japan and each other. After that, they worked on their book cover to mark the start of the’ year of Ox’ (Japanese zodiac). They also learnt that they are going to work on a Japanese dialogue at a travel agency and to create a travel brochure about a location in Japan.