Middle School

Renaissance History Escape Room

This week 8H took their study of history one step further participating in a two lesson escape room.


Over the course of the 2 lessons, students used their Renaissance history knowledge and literacy skills to decipher a series of challenges.

With some amazing teamwork and cooperation, Jess, Michela, Ella and Michaela were triumphant and completed their Mona Lisa, releasing themselves from the escape room!


Well done girls - great detective work!


Hermione Inskip

History Teacher

Year 9 MyBakery

This term MyBakery has been very interesting and different. We started the term off with online school, where we learnt about safety in the kitchen. We also prepared and designed a cake for us to decorate at the end of the term which we are all looking forward to. When we got back to school, it was straight to the kitchen which was very exciting. We had the opportunity to cook many foods from a variety of cultures, such as Italian, Greek, Australian, and many more. It has been such a good experience to get back into the kitchen and be able to cook with our friends after a long time of doing online school. We are looking forward to the last few weeks of cooking! 

Kate M (9G)