Junior School

Great Start to the Year

There was an exciting buzz around the College last week, with our newest members of the RSC community starting their first day of their Secondary education. 

The wet weather provided some challenges, but didn’t dampen spirits as we welcomed 265 brand new year 7 students from a huge range of primary schools in to the RSC community. Students were able to meet their peers and teachers, explore, and learn the day-to-day processes of the College. Students were able to share a little about themselves through artistic means by designing their own Converse shoe, creating an origami heart that will later become part of an art project, and also get to know their new classmates by taking part in various “getting to know you activities” and teamwork challenges. 


On Monday year 7 students experienced a bit of the hustle and bustle of the College as all other year levels commenced school for the year. The year 7s began the day with a music survey to determine suggested musical instruments that students may be suited to before spending the day in their allocated Houses. Students took part in an iPad information and skills session, had a blast with House trivia where they were able to meet new friends and demonstrate their worldly knowledge, and were then treated to a music concert that showcased some of the talented RSC bands. 

Year 8 students were welcomed back on Monday and got straight back into the swing of things after an assembly and their locker allocations. The year 8s noticed some staffing changes in the Junior Sub-school for 2021, with Miss Friend and Miss Friedli moving out of the Junior school to other roles. We would like to thank Miss Friend and Miss Friedli for their dedication to the Junior School after years of service as House Coordinators and we wish them all the best moving forward. 


The following staff will be overseeing the Junior School Houses for 2021:



Pete Vlahos - pvlahos@ringwoodsc.vic.edu.au



Jessica Curcio: JLundie@ringwoodsc.vic.edu.au



Beatrice Dauguet: MDAUGUET@ringwoodsc.vic.edu.au



Gemma Bishop: GBishop@ringwoodsc.vic.edu.au


As all Coordinators also have teaching roles, we ask that anyone wanting to meet with the relevant House Coordinator to please telephone or email in advance so that an appropriate time can be scheduled so that we can provide the full attention that you require and deserve.


There will be an opportunity to speak with classroom teachers during Parent/Teacher interviews taking place on March 31st. Bookings will be made through Compass later in the term. You are welcome to contact a student’s teacher at any time however, via telephone or email through Compass, if you have subject specific concerns or queries.


A reminder that for Term 1 students are expected to wear the summer uniform as outlined in the College dress code (available on the Ringwood SC website). A further reminder that socks are to be plain with no logos and shoes should be polishable black leather.


Students are also reminded of the importance of being Sunsmart while in the yard and are strongly encouraged to bring their own sunscreen, however small supplies are available from the First Aid office during recess and lunchtime, as well as the PE storeroom during Physical Education classes. 


Finally, we would like to acknowledge and thank our wonderful year 8 Student Leaders for their enthusiastic assistance and support of our new year 7 students during the iPad induction sessions prior to the return to school. These students graciously volunteered their time in the last couple of days of their holidays to help within the sessions.


We sincerely look forward to a productive and successful year ahead for our Junior School community. 


Josh Mitchell

Junior School Leader