
Wellbeing Literacy Leader - Emily Murcott

I have experienced so much kindness from students, staff, and parents in my first two weeks at Rolling Hills Primary School; I feel incredibly fortunate to be working here. The wonderful staff and the beautiful students have smiled and said hello as they walk past me in the corridor, they have introduced themselves to me whilst in the yard and Foundation students have grabbed my hand and non-verbally drawn me to their creations as they investigate and create in iTime.

The simplest form of kindness is in a smile. When seen they can elevate somebody's mood, inspire empathy, and even calm a fast-beating heart. When I am out shopping with my daughter we used to have a competition to see how many people we could make smile. We would consciously try to make someone’s day by smiling at them. As we walked past we would say “One to me…two to me…” At the end of our shopping, as we entered the car, the person with the most amount of smiles would win. 


It is amazing how much fun this is. Have you ever tried this yourself? If not, give it a go. What do you have to lose? 


You may be thinking, but we are wearing masks, people cannot see your smile. Yes, they can. If you are authentically smiling you will produce creases on the edges of your eyes, known as crows' feet. This type of smile is known as the Duchenne Smile. Non-Duchenne smiles are not fake, they are described as a ‘polite’ smile. One you may respond to in staged photographs.


Duchenne Smiles has been shown to change how you actually feel. Studies in the field of facial feedback show that information from the muscles in your face can influence your emotional state.


Smiling assists us to feel connected with others. Did you know that smiling is contagious, just like laughing? Think back to when you have entered a room where you don’t know anyone. Then one person smiles at you and instantly you feel a little more connected and safe in that environment. Smiling also shapes how others see you. If you have entered a room and you smile, people generally will believe that you are trustworthy and sincere. Last, but not least… smiling signals true enjoyment.


So, here is your challenge. Smile as much as you can so you can benefit from these positive emotions; smile and encourage others to do the same to increase their own positive emotion; smile so others feel a connection with you, and smile because people will think you are trustworthy sincere, and generous. If you don’t feel like smiling…..Fake it until you make it! 

Calendar - February

Action For Happiness helps people take action for a happier and kinder world. They create and share their calendars with everyone each month and focus on different topics to encourage people to be the best person they possibly can be. This month they are focussing on Friendly February. How many can you complete in February? I'd love to hear which actions you completed, so email me at emily.murcott@education.vic.gov.au. Or take a photo if you have one. Or check out their website 

Or check out their website - https://www.actionforhappiness.org/



The Kindness Corner is a section where a story of kindness will be shared with our community in each newsletter. It may be a student, a staff member, or a community member showing kindness. You may wish to share a story of when you have received an act of kindness. If you know someone who has recently shown kindness please email me with the details (and photographs, if you have any) to emily.murcott@education.vic.gov.au.


Here is an act of kindness that I witnessed occur this week:

As the bell for the end of recess rang, a grade 5 boy approached me to tell me that 2 girls were heading towards the climbing apparatus to tell a boy that recess had finished. As I watched them approach the boy (in Foundation) they kindly let him know that the bell had gone. They helped him down and walked him over to where his class was lining up.  I was elated by their use of initiative and compassion towards the boy. Well done girls in grade 5/6L.