School News 


The Prep students have made a great start to the school year. They are quickly settling into routines and are engaged in their learning. They have been learning letters and sounds, as well as numbers 1-10. Investigation time has provided opportunities for the students to explore these concepts beyond the classroom and develop their social skills. It has been great to see students forming friendships with peers across the four classes.

Well done Preps, on a fantastic first few weeks!


The Prep Team

Claire Cripps, Alarna Creed, Hayley Peirce, 

Ellie Stait

Level 1/2 News

The Level 1/2 students have made a positive start to the year and are settling into school routines. They are becoming familiar with new classrooms, friends and teachers. Thanks to our families for working so hard to make this such a smooth process.


In Reading, we have learning more about retelling information from the books we choose to read. We have been thinking more about the characters, settings, problem and resolution. The students will be given their take home books this week, so please encourage them to read at least four times a week, it makes a huge difference to their learning.


In Writing, we have been learning more about the structure of recounts. We have been thinking about writing using time connectives and past tense as well as including WOW words in our fabulous work. 


In Maths, we have been focusing on increasing our knowledge of Place Value. We have been looking at ones, tens and hundreds and learning to write or represent numbers in many forms. The students are engaged in their learning and enjoy investigating with a range of equipment. 


The students are enjoying their inquiry unit 'Growing Older and Wiser' and are learning more about  how we change as we grow. This week they have been planting bean seeds, so hopefully they will be watching them grow very soon. 


The students have made an awesome start to the year and we are excited about our learning journey with them in 2021. Thanks so much for all of your support so far, we look forward to the year ahead! 



The Level 1/2 Team:     

 Daena Hailey, Kayla Hartrick, Ben Pedley, Llinos Poole and Tim Wilson 



Level 3/4 News

Welcome to 2021! Our fabulous 3/4 students are to be congratulated for the way they have settled into their new classrooms and begun the school year in such a positive way. There is plenty of excitement at the moment as we establish new routines and revisit familiar topics within our classroom. 


Over the first few weeks students have been reintroduced to our Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops. They have enjoyed exploring the Library to find good fit books of interest to them and filling their Book Boxes. These are used each Reading session and allow students a keep a small collection of books they are currently reading. These books have allowed them to track their thinking as they read and practice strategies such as visualising and making connections as they build their reading stamina. 


During Writing sessions students have been writing personal reflections and recounts. We have been aiming to use time connectives in our writing and exploring interesting ways to start a recount and catch a reader’s attention. 


In Maths students have been extending their knowledge on Place Value. They have enjoyed learning new Maths games and have completed initial Essential Assessment tests. 


A new highlight for many students has been 3/4 Sport. Despite the two hot Wednesday afternoons they students have enjoyed getting together and playing games outside with each other. We have been very impressed with their sportsmanship and look forward to many exciting adventures in 3/4 this year!


The Level 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allen, Teagan Cairns, Clare McClandlish, Damien Smith and Katie Smith


Level 5/6 News

The Level 5/6 students have settled in phenomenally! They are quickly falling back into the routine of school and have enjoyed getting to know their new teacher and peers for 2021.


In Reading, Level 5/6 have been focusing on building reading stamina. They have been tracking their thinking using different strategies, including: visualising, questioning, predicting, inferring, summarising and connecting. They have chosen a range books from the Library for their 'good fit' book boxes and have been collecting thoughts, reflections and ideas in their Reader's Notebooks.


In Writing, Level 5/6 have been using Pobble 365 to develop 'quick writes' and support the 'planting of seeds' in their Writer's Notebooks. They have been learning about the characteristics of Narratives and developing a creative setting and characterisation for Narrative writing. They have been using their five senses to support the use of descriptive language when developing writing pieces. Level 5/6 are loving their 'Free Choice Friday' writing opportunities!


In Maths, Level 5/6 have been focusing on place value and its importance in solving addition and subtraction problems. They have been analysing numbers in standard form, expanded form, and worded form. They have completed pre-tests in areas of Number and Algebra, Measurement and  Geometry, and Statistics and Probability to support their teachers in planning upcoming teaching and learning.


We had a special visitor to our classroom last week - Mr Bradley's puppy, Coco. We are excited to see her around our school and watch her grow!


Well done on a brilliant start to 2021 Level 5/6! We are so proud of all of the efforts displayed so far and thank our Level 5/6 families for all of their support and effort.


The Level 5/6 Team:

Brendan Van Haaster, Emily Murcott, Elyce Munnecke, Mel Layton, Rachel Boyle and Mykaela Hodgett.