College News


Term 4 College fee account payments are due by 4th December 2020 at the latest. 

Families who have 2 or more students at the College and have their account in order are eligible for a family discount which will be credited to their account. If the account is not brought to a nil balance by the due date, the discount will not apply. 


It is College policy that your account be well maintained, which in turn allows us to operate on a sound financial basis by providing the resources necessary to provide quality education for all students.


We are under directive from the Catholic Education Diocese of Wagga Wagga office to manage College fee accounts and onforward any arrears accounts for debt recovery procedures. Should the fee account fall into arrears by more than 90 days & no payment arrangement has been put into place they may forward the account to a Debt Collection Agency for recovery proceedings which will result in additional fees & charges being borne by you & marring your credit rating. 


We will be contacting some families for account arrears/review appointments.

Feel free to contact me should you wish to discuss your account.



Joanne Smith

Business Manager



Library News

Important Notice

Could students ensure that all Library books including textbooks are returned to the Library by 4th December.

College Magazines Orders


Reminder:  Lockers are to be cleaned out and locks removed before the end of the year as next year new locker numbers will be issued.   A $20.00 fee payable per year for  the hire of the locker.


Please be aware if any items are left in the lockers they will be removed and discarded.


Any items that have been left in the office storage area if not collected will be discarded.removed and discarded.