Senior School Learning

Remote Learning  and Google Meets

Congratulations to all students and their families on another fantastic week of remote learning. We have been thoroughly impressed with the time and effort that has been put into completing and uploading pieces to both Padlet and Google Classroom.


We hope you are enjoying the new weekly structure of having specialist and discovery classes on Tuesday’s and Thursdays.


Over the next few weeks we will continue to use Google Meet to conference with students. Each week will have a different learning focus and students will be placed in a range of different groupings. Make sure you keep an eye out for when you child’s Google Meet will be taking place.


Here’s a sample of some of our conferences:

Personal Learning

This week in Personal Learning, the Senior Students have been working hard to create landscape designs for our new Tiny Town area. Students considered what features would best suit the new Tiny Town. Some important features included, a herb garden for the Cafe/Shop, a 'helipad' for the Hospital and bird baths to attract native wildlife. We are looking forward to seeing the finished product at school!




The Grade 4/5/6 students have been focusing on completing procedure writing during Remote Learning. The students were asked to plan out a How to Make Breakfast Procedure. Students had to ensure that their procedure was something that they were able to make. This was because after planning, drafting and publishing their procedure they were asked to create a video of themselves making it. It was great to see the range of different foods that were being consumed at breakfast times. Some of these were smoothies, toast and porridge. See some images below of some of the students work so far on this project.