Senior School Learning

Learning Can Wait Day

Last Wednesday students had the option of participating in a range of tasks for ‘Learning Can Wait’ day. Students and teachers enjoyed catching up with each other on Google Meet to facilitate the following activities:



Pet show and tell:

It was so great to see a range of different animals for ‘Pet Show and Tell’. We had students sharing about their cats, dogs, guinea pigs and more. Students showed us tricks their pets can do, told us a bit about them and why they are so special to them.


Trivia Challenge:

Well done to all students who joined the online trivia challenge. Students tested their knowledge across a vast range of subject areas. Students even had to guess the value of a VW beetle and signed Tony Hawk skateboard for extra points!


Personal Training: 

It was great to see so many students join in on a ‘Personal Training Session’ to get energised and active. We did a range of upper body and lower body workouts. It was a great chance to have a have a laugh and get active with each other.


Minute to win it:

Congratulations to all students who participated in this challenging event. Students completed several challenging ‘minute to win it’ styled tasks throughout the session. It was amazing to see the students perseverance within a difficult time frame.


Keep sake show and tell:

Students shared something that was very special to them. We had photos, trinkets, jewellery and more that students talked about and discussed. Students did a great job writing comments in the chat bar about the things they liked.


Art attack:

Students learnt about 1 point perspective in this online tutorial. It was fantastic to see students putting their artistic skills to work as they created their perspective masterpieces.


Well done to all students on their excellent online behaviour throughout the day!




Senior School Art

By Angus
By Angus
Sugar Skull by Molly
Sugar Skull by Molly


Well done to all my keen scientists who have been following along with experiments at home. Last week students investigated if changing the size of pieces of chocolate will affect the time it takes them to melt. Keep the good work up my Senior Scientists.  

Physical Education

This term during remote learning, the Senior Students have been getting competitive with each other… and the teachers! Because we can’t go on any holidays, we are having a virtual race around Australia. It’s class vs class vs the teachers. Students and teachers have been busy filling out an exercise diary and contributing to their class’ total kilometres around Australia. They have also been competing in some extra challenges along the way, with last week's being a push up challenge!

 We currently have 5/6A in the lead thanks to some huge exercise efforts from Emma and Dan. Most classes have made it all the way up the East Coast and are heading across the top of Australia. Who will win this race back to Teesdale Primary School?

You can find Week 3 race update here.