Wellbeing Report 

Andre Campbell

Term 4 Week 1 Wellbeing Report 
















This week we had many happy tears as parents and carers dropped off children at school.  Over the past two days the school and the grounds have been bursting with smiles and laughter and it’s been great to watch children re-connect with their friends.   We are pleased that the children are transitioning smoothly to their classrooms. There are extra staff to help before and after school and if you have any questions or concerns they are looking forward to catching up for a quick chat.    A special thank you to our parents for your gratitude and appreciation acknowledging the extra efforts our staff have made in preparing to return to school. 


Return to School Tips 

Many parents have expressed the joy of getting back into school routines. Following a routine, getting plenty of sleep and eating well supports good physical and mental health and promotes a successful school experience. If your child is feeling overwhelmed settling back into learning,  speak to them about their worries and listen with empathy. Always acknowledge their feelings as this will give them a sense of control. Predictability is important for children to feel confident from the beginning so please be punctual at drop off and pick up time at the end of the day. Children pick up on what is being modelled so showing them that you are calm, supportive and positive will help your child feel confident and competent.  

Extra tips-

  • Support your child with schoolwork and school life. Show interest by asking what your child has done during the day, what school work they are working on, and whether they need any help.
  • Focus on your child’s strengths and the effort they put in. Praise your child for what they’re good at, and let them know you’re proud of them for trying things they find difficult.
  • Talk with the teacher/staff to find out how your child is going. A good relationship between school and home will ensure the best outcomes for your child.

This term the Wellbeing Team are focusing on friendships and healthy relationships. We are offering social skills groups to build friendships and you can speak to your child’s teacher if you are interested for your child to participate. We will be running some social skills groups with Provisional Psychologist, Larney Larmers from Strong Minds Psychology. Veronica and I will be supporting the groups where we will run activities to help the students settle back into their friendships and strengthen their communication skills to resolve difficulties.   We are going to run three sessions for our Grade 6 students where we plan to have open discussions about their questions and to provide them with information to help students prepare and look forward to secondary school.  


For parents looking for resources, Michael Carr-Gregg and Sharon Witt have recently published a new book called Starting Secondary School which is available on-line and also at all good books stores including Big W.  Topics covered-

  • Settling into secondary school.
  • Homework, study tips and tricks.
  • Coping with stress, anxiety and depression.
  • Social issues such as bullying and friendships.
  • Health and wellbeing, including the importance of sleep and diet.
  • Latest advice on mobile phones and technology.

Free Happy Families Membership

Veronica and I are thrilled that a number of families have joined the Happy Families membership.  We have had lots of positive comments that parents and carers are enjoying the website. If you haven’t got around to joining, it’s not too late. The Happy Families membership gives you access to a number of resources which will help families, staff and students to thrive.  Every member will receive a weekly "Lighten the Load" email, which includes a quick, easy to apply tip from Dr. Justin, as well as some updates about other features in the membership. There is a library of parenting resources which offers calm assurance, direction and solutions you can try out on your families. 


Click on the link to join- https://members.happyfamilies.com.au/woori-yallock-primary-school

Tweens, Teens & Screens: Rewriting the Rules for a Sensible Approach to Technology in our Families Webinar-

Monday the 19th of October at 8pm

Save the date! This will be a great webinar where Dr. Justin Coulson will unpack the home challenges to screen time, how to eliminate the drama around screens without having to “ban” devices. He will also talk through what parents really need to worry about when it comes to screens and what they can relax about. 


Dr. Justin Coulson will also address the sneaky ways our kids are using screens without parents knowledge, and how we can make screens work in our family’s favour. Parents will need to register and then a link will be emailed sent for you to attend.  


School Uniform & Second Hand Uniform

Unfortunately Lowes in Lilydale is currently closed and we have had a number of enquires for school uniform.  Right now staff are flexible that parents are struggling to fit children with clothing and shoes. We have a small amount of second hand uniform (jumpers, school dresses and skorts) and we are happy to accept quality second hand uniform when you drop your child off at school. For parents experiencing hardship we can apply to State School Relief where some items are shipped directly to the school.  For all enquires please call or email the office where Veronica and I can help you. 


We are looking forward to working together, to help everyone adjust and settle back into learning. If you are needing help with school uniform, a food hamper or enquires for other services please call Veronica or myself.


Primary Wellbeing Officer

Andre Campbell