Message From Our 


Dear Parents and Caregivers,


Welcome back! It was so lovely to see lots of smiley happy children, staff and parents last week. We have noticed how much the children had grown! The sounds coming from the classrooms and around the playground brings joy to us all and it has been so good to have everyone back learning and being together again.  Congratulations and thank you to our families for your endless support of your children during Terms 2 and 3. The partnership between school and home has been so evident and it is hoped that we are able to bottle the many good things that have been achieved throughout Remote Learning. 


It was so disappointing to hear that there are positive COVID cases in our region. Thank you to the families who quickly acted on the advice of DHHS and GV Health. I ask that you keep up to date with the latest information which can be found on the GV Health website. Sacred Heart School are closely following their COVID Safe Plan and will continue to be informed by the Victorian Health Minister. Important reminders can be found by accessing the below document.


Book Week will take place next week. All students are invited to come dressed as their favourite character on Monday the 19th. Classes will also watch a Virtual Performance, 2020 The Greatest Discovery as part of the Book Week celebrations.


Thursday, October 22nd we will celebrate Footy Colours Day. Everyone is invited to wear their favourite team colours as a fun way to commence the AFL Grandfinal Long Weekend. Unfortunately, families are not able to join us for these events this year, due to COVID restrictions but we will try to record these days as best we can. Please note Monday the 2nd of November is not a holiday for students, school will be as normal.


Congratulations to Matthijs Wind who received the Principal’s Award last week. Matthijs has been a wonderful student during his time at Sacred Heart. His care and kindness have been greatly appreciated by others and he always tries hard to display our PBiS expectations.  Well done Matthijs!


I would like to wish the Wind family all the best as they depart Australia next week and return to the Netherlands.  Monique, Lars, Matthijs, MJ, Esther and Gerhard have been part of our school community for the last six years and will be missed.


May the Sacred Heart of Jesus continue to watch over our school community and bless us always. 


Pauline Hindson


NEW - Jobseeker & CSEF

For parents/guardians who have recently applied for the Government's JobSeeker support due to COVID-19 and now hold a Health Care Card your children may be eligible for Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding (CSEF) of $125 per student. Please complete the application form from the school website link below, return to the completed form to the school office and we will lodge an application for CSEF on your behalf. 


The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria has advised that the eligibility for the CSEF has been extended to Monday 5 October, with the closing date for CSEF applications now Friday 27 November. Please note we will be unable to lodge applications after this date.