Wellbeing 2020

Mike Tarleton - Assistant Principal (Engagement & Wellbeing)

Open Your World

How do we look after ourselves and our families? For most of us, this has been an ongoing thought this year more than ever! Over the weekend I read a fascinating article on ABC News about Screen Time vs 'Green Time.'


I took a moment to reflect on how technology has invaded our lives as adults, never mind how students have been enveloped by the digital age. The article initially discussed limits on screen time, which is a growing concern within many households and then continued towards 'finding a balance.' 


I think back to a day I noticed a young family - mum was pushing a pram, dad was playing basketball with a child and a third child was riding his bike. None of us can criticise what followed and many of us could also accept that 'living in the moment' is often a challenge for us all. Needless to say, the bike riding child started screaming at his mum to get off her phone and watch him cycle, while the dad left the court to check his phone message.


I have always been an advocate for staying connected via social media, especially with family interstate and overseas. However, at some point we need to take a step back and set ourselves some limits of our own screen time and get outside without our connected world following us - share a meal with a friend (leaving phones at home), take up a new hobby, connect with some new people and visit a new place.


In one breath I'm suggesting a limit on screen time and in the next asking you to take a minute of your time to reflect and check out the Open Your World website. Mental Health Awareness Week is the first week of next term (10-17th October). The following information from the Mental Health Coalition of SA is worrying to say the least, so perhaps it's a good time to reflect and consider how you'd like to proceed.

50% of Australians are likely to be diagnosed with a mental illness in their lifetime, leaving 50% of us who will know someone living with a mental health issue. 
Mental Health Week is an opportunity to have conversations with your friends, family and community about mental health and wellbeing. After all, mental health is something every person has, and every person can face challenges with—not just those living with mental illness.

Mental Health Coalition of South Australia


At Lockleys North, we recently heard about a wonderful wellbeing project that we'd like your support with.

The “How You Bin?” project aims to encourage residents place the provided wellbeing stickers on the side of their wheelie bin to help spread these short, positive wellbeing and kindness messages across South Australia. 
With images designed by local artists, these stickers feature the Open Your World website, encouraging South Australians to take action, talk, and connect with others. The “How You Bin?” stickers are weatherproof and easy to apply and remove. Wellbeing SA will be launching this project in partnership with several councils, schools and community clubs.

Please join and support us by collecting and displaying your 'How You Bin?' sticker from the school office - they arrived today! I know the wonderful people of Lockleys North will get involved. Start a conversation with one of your neighbours, it just might make their day!

Message from our Captains

Unfortunately Sports Day was postponed until term 4, but this hasn't  stopped us from deciding who will win. Students and staff have come up with an excellent way to keep our Sports Day spirit alive.


We have come up with a way to get points, all students need to do is show our four great values. These include Pursuit of Excellence (thriving for your best), Care and Concern (caring and respecting you and your peers), Respect (respecting others and objects and Honesty (being honest when you need help in your learning). 


So far the team points system this year leading up to Sports Day, Brian has come out on the top for Term 3, week 6 with 6695 points. Malurus is currently in second with 6150, Grallina in third on 6000 and sadly Pierson in last with 5980. Hopefully the 2 bottom teams can catch up and hopefully come out on top!

BRIAN 6695




Thanks the Pierson Team Captains

Alexi, Jed, Natalija and Crystal

Wellbeing and Engagement Collection

Students in our school have been invited to take part in a survey being conducted in Term 3, following postponement earlier in the year. Here is key information about the survey.


Purpose of the collection

Young people’s sense of wellbeing is an important part of how they learn at school. The purpose of the survey is to seek students’ views about their wellbeing and their engagement with school. Students in year levels 4 to 12 across the State will be invited to participate in the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection. The information collected will help the education system and broader community to support young people’s health and wellbeing.


What is the survey about?

The survey asks students about their social and emotional wellbeing; school relationships and engagement and learning in school; and physical health and wellbeing and after school activities. Students’ answers will be kept confidential – no one (including school staff) will use the results to identify individual students.


What is involved in project participation?

Teachers will arrange for students to undertake the survey during class time. Students will be asked if they would like to participate and will be free to withdraw at any time. If you do not want your child to participate, please contact the school as soon as possible after receiving this letter.


Will students’ information be kept confidential?

The department takes measures to ensure students’ personal information and their identities remain anonymous when participating in the survey.


Participating schools with fewer than 5 students undertaking the survey will not receive a school report in order to protect the confidentiality of students.


What will happen if a student is distressed during or after the survey?

Whilst the survey questions are not expected to distress students, the survey includes questions that ask about topics such as students’ happiness and experiences of being bullied. Teachers will inform students that:

  • if they find the survey uncomfortable or distressing, they should leave the survey screen immediately
  • that it is not compulsory to take part in the survey as a whole, and
  • students may also skip individual survey questions if they wish.

Students who may want to speak to an adult about concerns or issues and will be supported to do so.


Where can I get more information?

Further information on the Wellbeing and Engagement Collection can be found at www.education.sa.gov.au (search:wec) or can be collected from the school. For questions or concerns, or to view the questions, please email Education.WECSA@sa.gov.au.


Now I'm off for a walk. Many thanks for your continued support of our staff and students,
