IEC News


IEC level 3 students learnt about Separating Mixtures in Science. Students were given a task to design an experiment to separate a mixture of their choice. To present their experimental design, students could choose between creating a Google Slide presentation, outlining the experimental design and present their Slides in class, OR write an experimental design and record a video presenting the experiment in separating the mixture chosen. As a part of the design challenge, students had to use only materials that can be found around the home. Students successfully presented their experiment both through video and in front of the class. I am extremely proud of them as their class teacher. Check out how awesome their videos are below:


Ms Bautista


This term, the students in Stage 4 Geography classes studied the NESA topic “Place and Liveability” and explored some environmental and human factors that contribute to peoples’ perceptions of liveability. The students in Stages 5 and 6 studied the topic “Changing Places” and explored urbanisation and some of its positive and negative economic, social and environmental consequences. All the Level 3 classes used an ALARM scaffold to familiarise themselves with key vocabulary words: define, describe, explain and analyse to compose complex informative texts and develop their writing skills on given topics. They also did amazing presentations using Google Slides after composing their informative texts. Thanks to all the teachers and the students for their hard work. 

Mrs S Prasad