Year Adviser News

Year 7 Year Adviser

Gemma Hanlon

I would like to congratulate Year 7 as they have worked well throughout the term. During Friday sports, all year 7 students have been combining as a year group to play a variety of sports including, European handball, volleyball, AFL and soccer. Students are encouraged to continue wearing their sports uniform on practical lesson days and also to bring a water bottle and hat as the temperature continues to increase.


We have an exciting Term 4 coming up including an excursion in Week 6 with more details to come.


Ms Hanlon 

Year 9 Year Adviser

Rhys Murphy

Term 3 has been an extremely busy and productive term for the Year 9 cohort, with students producing all manner of interesting and outstanding work in both their core subjects and electives! Among other things, we have had students decorating delicious and decadent cakes in Food Technology, discovering the mysteries of the ancient Aztec empire in History Elective and creating their own virtual advertising campaigns for a product of their choice in Commerce. Students have been working hard and have shown immense dedication in class. Feedback from their teachers have been extremely positive.


Outside of the classroom, a group of students have been involved in Western Sydney University's 'Fast Forward' program which supports our students in their education journey by encouraging life long learning. WSU does this through undertaking school based activities designed to enhance social and academic skills, explore career aspirations, create pathways to career choices and blur the line between school and university to ensure all students feel capable of a life of learning.


This term the students have also been involved in the 'Check-In' assessment which is designed to monitor their progress against numeracy and literacy outcomes. Students were extremely well behaved and feedback has been really positive.


On a personal note, I would just like to congratulate Year 9 on how they have approached their schooling in Term 3. Obviously this year has been extremely tumultuous and it wouldn't been too difficult to imagine a situation where this could adversely impact a group of students. However, Year 9 have thrived and I think it is important as their well-being adviser to publicly acknowledge this in the community. Keep up the good work Year 9!


Mr Murphy

Year 9 at the conclusion of the Western Sydney University 'Fast Forward' program.
Year 9 at the conclusion of the Western Sydney University 'Fast Forward' program.

Year 11 Year Adviser

Steve Satmaka

I am so proud of Year 11 for completing their yearly exams and their assessment tasks. It is the end of the Year 11 era as we wind down for the end of term. It has been a big change joining the ranks of the senior students and the new academic expectations associated with it. That and being paired with the current state of the world in 2020 has been a challenging year to our future Year 12s. Yes, you read that correctly, next term they will be the next lot of Year 12s at Evans. I am beyond proud of my entire year group this year through all of their achievements, their growth and their resilience.  


Mr Satmaka