Term 3

The transition back to the online learning environment this term was a little easier the second time round. After reviewing the previous online learning process and taking into account what things had worked and those that had not, the program was adjusted to best meet the needs of students and parents who were supporting the program at home. The aim was to make remote and flexible learning as easy as possible whilst delivering programs that were engaging and supportive across all areas of the curriculum. I believe that this was achieved. I want to thank our parents for the integral role that you played in assisting your child with their learning.
The Lower Primary Staff is looking forward to welcoming students back to the Watsonia Campus next term. I am sure our students are looking forward to reconnecting with their teachers and friends and parents are looking forward to a break from managing the home learning environment. Specific details about this return to school process will be communicated shortly.
Term 4 is always such a busy term as we wrap up the year, celebrate the achievements of the year along with planning for 2021. Whilst this will look very different this year, the focus will be on ensuring term 4 is a happy and productive one for our students giving them the best finish to the school year possible.
Enjoy a safe holiday break with your children as we look forward to a relaxation of the Level 4 restrictions. At least the playgrounds are open and will provide the opportunity for a different play environment and some social interaction with other children.
This term 3 newsletter highlights and acknowledges the important role that our specialist programs; Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Library played during remote learning and subsequently in the overall development of our students You will see by the photos that students loved the online specialist programs. They especially enjoyed building on their drawing, karate and dance skills along with accessing story time on a regular basis.
This term in Visual Arts we have been working on art revolving around the artist Paul Cezanne. Paul Cezanne liked to paint still life, landscapes, and portraits. Students have created a variety of different art works in each of these categories by cutting and pasting, drawing, colouring and painting. Students created artworks such as landscapes of their backyards, still life portraits of their favourite fruits, portraits of people in their families and self-portraits. Live WebEx classes were offered every Friday afternoon where they were explicitly instructed on how to draw dogs, cats, and bunnies. One of the highlights was when Burt the 8-year-old Green Tree Frog came to model for us when learning how to draw a frog.
This term the Library program focused on the non-fiction study of life cycles. We started our unit of work at school and then students went back to learning from home in week 4. We used books and videos to explore the life cycle of various animals, insects and plant life and learnt how all living things grow and change. Students particularly enjoyed craft activities that represented the different stages of the life cycles.
The students also had the opportunity to join story time on WebEx with Helen on a Monday. We read many stories that were chosen from the shortlisted 2020 CBCA book awards in anticipation for our Book Week and Book Fair next term. Thank you to all those students that joined in on the live WebEx sessions and to all those students who completed their weekly library activities.
The first three weeks of Physical Education we began the term with some classes finishing off skills and others beginning new ones. LPA/LPB/LPC started a new unit on two-hand side-arm strike which is used for sports such as baseball, T-ball and softball etc. Students had fun using the tee and experimenting with different striking implements. During remote learning the inside classes worked on their kicking, dribbling, stopping, passing, shooting and ball control skills.
LPD/LPE/LPF finished off their ball bounce unit and then commenced forehand strike which they continued during learning from home. Different ways to strike and control objects were explored.
LPG/LPH/LPI began a new unit practicing how to form shapes with their bodies using elastics during gymnastics, however once remote learning commenced they were encouraged to focus on ball bounce at home. Dribbling, manoeuvring, passing, shooting and ball control were parts of the program.
The preps began the term learning to make static balances using ‘Limba Lion’ and have continued to practise their gymnastic skills such as rolling, balancing, animal walks, jumping and landing at home.
A live karate webex was conducted every Thursday afternoon with Sensei Mark. We practised basic karate elements of kicking, punching, blocking and how to move. Thank you to all those students who attended karate sessions. It was great to hear some feedback about the student’s enjoyment of our weekly classes.
LPI and LPD enjoyed participating in a couple of sessions of bike ed at the beginning of the term and it was great to see their enthusiasm and willingness to have a go on our two wheel bikes. Some students accessing the bikes with training wheels and some able to ride on two wheels with varying levels of support.
Brayden from year 12 also joined us on a Thursday for the first three weeks whilst undertaking his work experience placement. Thanks Brayden for all your help.
The Term 3 Dance Unit started onsite with students following instructions to use fundamental gross motor movements safely with the group and in our space. The focus being on tempo, dynamics, non-locomotor and locomotor movements. Students joined in choreographed group dances and independent free dance to a variety of music.
The return to remote learning sent the students on a “trip” visiting the seven continents of the world, listening and learning simple dances from a chosen country on those continents. They "Samba-d" through Brazil, "Boot Scooted" across the USA, did a "Slap" dance in Germany, twisted and turned "Poi" in New Zealand. Next, there was a "Bollywood" dance in India, the "Penguin Slide" in Antarctica and a "Cossack" style dance in Russia. Then after all that dancing it was time for some sit down and quiet time with some beautiful songs from The Torres Strait Islands and Aboriginal music featuring the didgeridoo. What a trip it was. I hope everyone had as great of a time as I did!
Live WEBex meetings were held every Wednesday where students had the opportunity to join in a dance party and have a boogie with their peers. It was wonderful to see everyone bustin’ moves and having a great time!
Take care
Kath Moore
Watsonia Campus