Classroom News - Year 2

Miss Simpson, Mrs Phelps and Mrs Cain

Caring for All Creation has been our unit of study in Religion. We have been learning about the Good Samaritan and now we are learning about endangered animals and asking God for help in caring for them to preserve them. We can't wait to paint posters of our researched animal this week. 


Year 2 have been reading the poetry of C.J. Dennis and have had some fun with reciting Triantiwontigongolope. We have been looking more closely at Hist! and the rhyming patterns used by C.J. Dennis. In spelling we continue to explore prefixes especially the prefix re. Our writing focus has been around poetry and words that rhyme.


Mathematically we have enjoyed our work around fractions and making equal quarters and halves and eighths. This week our attention has moved to the study of time. We are learning about quarter past and quarter to so ask us some questions about time on the clock face.


In Science we have made a telephone out of string and paper cups which helps us to understand more about vibrations. This week we are excited to be making our own instruments. We researched how to make instruments out of materials from home and we have been making these at school after lunch. 

Construction time!
Construction time!


Can we please remind parents to send children to school with a full drink bottle?


It has been sad to say goodbye to our friends Asha Gray and Toby Bamford this term.