
Mrs Meg Steenholdt - A/Deputy Principal

Discover Wellbeing Series

Each week we will post a video to our Instagram and Facebook pages as well as the Remote Learning page on our Website from our Deputy Principal on a Wellbeing topic. If you would like to suggest a topic please leave a comment on one of our social media pages or email your suggestion to ckitchingman@mmcrc.catholic.edu.au


Introductory Video (1:30)


Anxiety Video (6:06) For more information on anxiety please visit headspace


Continuity of Wellbeing

Some helpful tips on continuity of wellbeing


Resources for Families

The Victorian Government is helping parents, guardians and carers manage Remote Schooling and to stay resilient during the coronavirus pandemic by providing a range of free online webinars. 


These webinars are aimed at providing parents, guardians and carers with practical skills, knowledge and strategies for managing the lockdown period and Remote Schooling, and will focus on strategies and tools to help families manage their wellbeing, including establishing a supportive parental role and dealing with uncertainty and disappointment. 


Places are still available for Managing the Coronacoaster – Tips for building resilient families webinar on Tuesday 15 September at 7:30 pm. For more information and to register, visit the Eventbrite website. 


The government has also partnered with Raising Children Network and funded a 10-episode podcast called Raising Learners featuring parenting experts from organisations including the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, Career Education Association Victoria and the eSafety Commissioner, Julie Inman-Grant.


Raising Learners will provide parents with practical advice, tips and ideas for supporting children’s health, wellbeing and engagement at school. Topics will include connecting with your child’s school community, how to best support your child’s learning, what to expect for VCE and VCAL students and how to keep your child safe online. 


These themes were drawn from common parent questions received by the Department of Education and Training’s coronavirus hotline and parentline. The first three episodes will be launched on Tuesday 1 September 2020 with the remaining episodes available throughout Terms 3 and 4, 2020. Raising Learners will be available via the Raising Children Network and podcast Apps.