What's Happening at OLA!


Over the last two weeks, most Pre-Primary children have been participating in swimming lessons at Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre. The children have learnt a lot about pool safety and have further developed their water skills. It has been fantastic to see their progress and enthusiasm!


This term, we have been hard at work to learn our dance routine in preparation for the End of Year Concert in Week 8. We feel hot, hot, hot and can’t wait to share our moves with you!

Mrs Noonan, Miss Smith and Mrs Durkin

Year 2

We have had an exciting week in Year Two. We have been participating in swimming lessons, practising our dance moves and celebrating Remembrance Day with the school. 


In Religion this week, we wrote some prayers to God and Jesus about remembering the soldiers and nurses who passed away in the War. We all had the opportunity to share our prayers with the class and decorate them with the Remembrance Day symbol of the poppy flower. We really enjoyed creating our special prayers and sharing them with God. 


In Mathematics, we are learning about transformations, we are using the language of slide, turn and flip to transform an object. We made posters that represent how one shape can move using the slip, flip and turn. We had lots of fun creating our transformation posters. The Year Twos also created their own game called, Slide, Flip and Turn. This game involved the students giving directions to other students to either move their bodies or another object using the three instructions.  

Miss Rotondo and Miss Croft

Year 4

We made our musical debut at assembly, last Friday. We have learnt so much in Music, no squeaks just melodic music. Thanks to Mrs McAuliffe we have discovered a new talent. We look forward to showcasing our other talents at the Dance and Christmas concert.


In Reading, we have been learning about thick and thin questions. Thick questions don’t have one answer, you have to think and search for the answer. Thin questions you can answer with a 'yes' or 'no' or a few words and you don’t have to think too hard about the answer. We have enjoyed writing these so that we can challenge each other to answer the questions. Some of them really got our thinking skills moving. Our summary writing has become more cohesive, we have moved from simple sentences to compound sentences and our pieces read well.


We are learning about money in Mathematics and our focus at the moment is on purchasing and calculating to the nearest five cents. We are also looking at the language used in Chance. This is interesting because we get the opportunity to predict different outcomes based on the information we are given.

Mrs McCarthy, Ms Dean, Miss Mannas and Mrs Peters

Year 6

WOW!! Our teachers are excited and scared, just as much as we are….with only 3 weeks until the end of term.


We were privileged to visit Parliament House, we were taken on a guided tour of the building and role-played the passing of a bill in the chambers within Parliament House. Our afternoon was then one to remember, as we made our way to Kings Park, where we shared lunch and explored the surroundings.


During our art lessons, we have been busy learning about artists and their styles. Below are some of our fabulous pieces of the famous ‘Piet Mondrian’.

Miss Figueira and Mr De Pietro