Important Notices

2022 Staff

We have now finalised our staffing and teaching teams for 2022 and are happy to share this information with you. Tomorrow (Thursday 16th December) your child will find out their 2022 class teacher and classmates and a class list will be sent home with them.


Year level 

Class Name



Foundation J

Jane Bennetts


Foundation B

Jess Bethune


Foundation M

Jac Morphy




Year 1/2


Ange Golden

Year 1/2


Louise Moore

Year 1/2


Meg Garland

Year 1/2


Natalie Gallucci




Year 3/4


Joe Gardiner

Year 3/4


Lil Wymant

Year 3/4


Prue Robbins & Cath Sullivan

Year 3/4


Amy Salter




Year 5/6


Luke Jones

Year 5/6


Mel Borella

Year 5/6


Stephanie Hamilton

Year 5/6


Susan Bishop & Lisa Richards

Specialist Subject


Visual Arts

Chantel Jose

Performing Arts

Stephen Stanisic


Frances Passuello

Admin Team

Staff member

Neil Scott


Matt Cook

Assistant Principal

Michelle Bove

Assistant Principal

Kat O'Brien

Office Manager

Nova Whitehead

Business Manager

Integration Team

Staff member

Integration Aide

Wendy Chan

Integration Aide

Carolyn Hill

Integration Aide

Prue Donaldson

Integration Aide

Amy Rumble

We appreciate your understanding that coming up with our 2022 classes is a balancing act that requires us to take into account many factors and ask for your support in helping your child manage any disappointment that they might feel for not being with all of their friends next year.


We have tried to take into account the parent requests that we have received but have not been able to acccomodate all of these. We have ensured that each student has at least one friend that they have chosen in their class with them next year.

End of Year Student Reports

For the last few weeks, our teachers have been very busy writing your child’s end of year student report—an update on their academic, personal and social achievements and a record of the growth they have made during this disrupted year.


It also includes their class teacher’s assessment of their learning against the achievement standards of the Victorian Curriculum in English and Mathematics – the core curriculum areas that have formed our major focus since the return to face to face teaching.


Whilst we should all be proud of the ways we have navigated this year's challenges and students should be congratulated for the resilience they have shown (for the second year running) to keep learning and engaging throughout remote learning, it is entirely understandable that, for some, their learning this year has been negatively affected by the disruptions to routines and regular lockdowns and periods of remote learning.


When you read your child's report, you may notice that they have not made the expected 12 months growth in their learning since December 2020 (as indicated by the dots and dotted lines on the second page of the  report).


Just like in 2021, next year we will work hard to help these students 'catch-up' on any missed learning. This extra support may come in many different forms - working in small groups with tutors at school, spending additional time with their teachers or the provision of targeted learning to complete at home. Once again, we have been provided with additional funding to provide small-group tutoring for targeted students in 2022.


We do however, seek your support to help your child 'catch-up' on any missed learning. We encourage you to carefully read the 'next steps' section of this report to understand what your child's individual learning goals are. If you are concerned or have any questions, please get in touch with your child’s class teacher to discuss these in greater detail. 


Early in 2022, we will run parent-teacher interviews and information evenings to discuss these learning goals in more depth and provide ways that you can support learning at home. We encourage you to participate in these important events.


This afternoon (Wednesday 15th December), parents will have received an email notification that semester reports are now available to view on Compass. Please access  and use your personalised login details to access reports.

Start of 2022

Whilst we are all looking forward to a well-deserved break over the summer, we have already started to plan for our return to school in 2022.


School will begin for all students in Years 1-6 on Tuesday 1st February. Prior to this our staff will be taking Friday 28th and Monday 31st January as Curriculum Days to enable us to be ready for the school year to start.


We look forward to seeing you all then!


Further Curriculum days for the year have been confirmed as ;

  • Friday 18th March
  • Tuesday 14th June
  • One more TBC