Learning and Teaching - In the classroom
Quality Feedback
‘The research is clear: improving feedback practices can significantly improve student learning and the quality of teaching in classrooms.’ (Spotlight – Reframing feedback to improve teaching and learning)
Providing regular and ongoing feedback is a critical part of the learning process. We define quality feedback as communicating where a student is in their learning, what the next steps in learning are and guiding students to get to the next level. Based on research evidence (Butler, 1988), we know that giving grades does not necessarily help a student progress in their learning and if grades and comments are given together, students will focus more on the grade rather than the feedback. For this reason, we are moving away from giving grades for every assessment. Our focus will be providing quality feedback that will help move a learner forward to achieve growth and progression.
Feedback must answer one or more of these questions for the student (and the teacher):
• Where am I going?
• How am I going?
• Where to next?
Providing feedback successfully is the real challenge. Below are some evidence-based strategies that are effective ways of giving feedback and that are more time effective too.
Spotlight – Reframing feedback to improve teaching and learning Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership
Feedback to Parents
- Phone calls/emails;
Teachers are encouraged to touch base with parents to provide informal feedback and discuss issues that may have arisen. - Student Conferences (term 1 and 3):
Parents are encouraged to book a time with teachers to discuss student learning. This is a significant opportunity for parents to understand where their child is at in their learning, what the next steps are and how they are going to get there. - Reports (each term):
Learning behaviours are assessed by students and teachers every term. Victorian curriculum levels and VCE/VCAL outcomes are provided. - Compass: (Year 9-12)
Quality feedback is expected to be provided to parents on a regular, on-going bases. Teachers should be providing feedback about how the student is going, where they are going in their learning and what the next steps in learning are. - Maestro: (Year 7/8)
Teachers should be providing Year 7 and 8 parents with on-going feedback that shows what skills/knowledge students have demonstrated, what the pace of their learning growth is and what the next skills/knowledge are.
Please note – Year 7/8 parents will be given login details to Maestro in the coming weeks, and we will be assisting parents with videos/information sessions to support this access
Carrie Wallis
Assistant Principal