Community, Expectations and Choices

Community, Expectations & Choices


Welcome back to the new school year! I hope that all of our students and families had a restful and relaxing holiday break. Over the first few days of school, I have spoken to all of our students about our College value of Respect – Respect for self, Respect for others and Respect for the environment. I shared with them the expectations that we have as a College and spoke to them about ‘Community, Expectations and Choice’.


Every community that we are part of comes with a set of expectations. If students play sport, there are the expectations that they turn up to training on time and that they wear their sport uniform to the game. There is the expectation that they don’t sit on the bench, playing on their phone, but rather, they actively watch the game and consider what needs to happen next. Within this community, they need to make the choice to follow and support the expectations of the community that they are part of. If they don’t, there are often consequences. If they didn’t wear their clubs uniform to the game, it is unlikely that the coach would let them play!


Wantirna College is our community and, as such, it comes with its own set of expectations. These expectations exist as we want to ensure that we can create a positive, safe and supportive learning environment for all. Below are some of the expectations and processes that I shared with students. I share these with our families so that they can join us in creating a positive and safe learning environment for all.


Orderly Learning Environment

We want to ensure that all of our students have an orderly learning environment within each of their classes so that they are able to make the most of their learning. Teachers have a clear set of routines that they are implementing each lesson to ensure that an orderly learning environment is established. They will be checking in with students and acknowledging the positive contributions that students are making in a variety of ways. These can include positive comments, green Compass Posts and Postcards home just to name a few. It is important that our teachers recognise students for their positive attitude, respect and kindness towards others and their active engagement in learning.


If, at anytime, students choose not to support an orderly learning environment, the teacher will follow a step-by-step process to reengage students. They will:


· Verbal Warning - Provide the student with a verbal warning to let the know that they are off task and need to reengage with their learning.


· Choice and follow through – If the student remains off task, the teacher will provide the student with a choice. The student can choose to reengage with their learning, or they can choose another option. For example, a student can choose to reengage or choose to move seats. If the student’s behaviour and engagement does not improve, they have chosen to move seats.


· Reset – Further disengagement will result with the student having 5 minutes outside of the classroom to reset. This will be supported by a restorative conversation with the teacher to plan on how the student can renter the classroom and reengage with their learning. Families will be notified of this via a Grey Chronicle Post on Compass.


· Time In – Any further disengagement will result in the student staying in at recess/lunch/after school with the teacher and planning for a way forward with their learning. Families will be notified of this via a Grey Chronicle Post on Compass.


· Removal – The final stage in the process will result in the student being removed from class. After the lesson, the teacher will meet with the student and support them to reflect upon their behaviour and to develop a plan around how they can reengage with their learning. The teacher will also contact the family via phone to let them know of what occurred and the plan that was developed with their child.


This process is designed to allow students to make positive choices about their behaviour and learning with a clear understanding of what will occur if poor choices are made.


We love to see our students wearing the correct Wantirna College uniform with pride, including when they are out in the community. A list of our uniform items can be found on Compass under the ‘two people’ icon, School Documentation, For Parents, Uniform. Uniform Shop opening hours can be found in your Compass calendar.


A reminder that students must wear Black full leather lace up, low heeled shoes (shoes with mesh upper or tongue do not meet OH&S requirements).


The correct sock colour for all students is white. Students who have timetabled PE classes are able to wear their PE uniform to and from school on these days.


If a student is unable to wear an item of uniform at any time, please send your child with a note of explanation to the Assistant Principal offices before school where they will receive a uniform pass for the day. Students will need to keep their uniform pass on them at all times and show it when requested.


Where a child presents and they have chosen to be out of uniform, the removable item will be confiscated and the student will be able to collect it at the end of the day. A reminder that hoodies and non-Wantirna College hats/beanies are not school uniform and, if worn, will be confiscated. Students will receive additional consequences if they choose to be out of school uniform and do not provide a note from home.


Attendance and Punctuality

It is important that students are at school every day and in class learning. This means that students need to arrive on time to class for every period of the day. If students are late to class, they will need to make up the time at recess/lunchtime/after school.


Student attendance is recorded each lesson of the day. Families are able to see their child’s daily attendance via Compass. If a student is absent from school without an explanation on Compass, families will receive a text message to advise them of the absence. We are also monitoring student attendance during the day. If your child is present in the morning and then does not turn up to their next period without explanation, families will be notified via text message.


Of course, there are times when students may need to be late to school due to medical appointments, etc. When this is the case, we ask families to approve the lateness on Compass by adding an ‘Attendance Note’ prior to the student arriving at school. The student can then turn up to school at the allocated time and go straight to class. There is no need to sign in at the General Office!


If a student needs to leave school early, we ask families to similarly add an ‘Attendance Note’ for the time that the student needs to leave. At the allocated time, the student can simply ask to be excused from class and the teacher will see that the absence is approved. Once the student has collected their bag from their locker, they will need to sign out at the General Office prior to leaving. There is no need for parents to also come to the General Office.


Year 11 students who have study periods in their timetables are not to leave the College Grounds during these times. They are expected to remain on College Grounds throughout the entire school day.


Health Centre

If students are feeling unwell whilst at school, they are able to attend the Health Centre to seek support from our Health Centre Team. Students should not be directly contacting their family to come and collect them from school if they are feeling unwell. Students should report to the Health Centre and our staff will contact families to collect their children from school as required.


Mobile Phones

Students need to ensure that their mobile phones are in their lockers from 8.45am – 3.05pm. They should not be accessing their phone during the day. This means that students cannot use their phone to pay for items at the Orchard. Instead, they should bring either cash or a debit card.


If a student has their mobile phone out during the day, it will be confiscated and taken to the General office. Students will be able to collect their phone at the end of the school day.

If families urgently need to get in touch with their children, they can contact the General Office who will be able to find their child and pass on the message.


Abusive/Threatening Behaviour

It is not ok for anyone to experience abusive or threatening behaviours in our school. We want to foster a safe environment for all. All matters of abusive or threatening behaviour will be followed up by our Sub School Teams. If a student threatens or swears directly to a teacher, they will be immediately suspended and sent home. We are clear that abusive behaviour has no place within Wantirna College.


At the foundation of high-quality learning and teaching is the establishment and sustainment of an orderly learning environment where all teachers and students have clearly defined routines and high expectations of behaviour and learning. We are confident that the shared expectations that we have as a community will ensure that our students are able to learn in a positive, safe and engaging learning environment where they can thrive.


Shane Kruger

Assistant Principal