General Information


Happy birthday to the students and staff that celebrated their birthday in January and Week's 1 and 2 of term:

Matilda Gelhaar, Ruby Grob, Isobel Brummell, Lydia McFarlane, Clint Quinn, Claire Bailey, Lucy Newberry, Alice Meyer, Charlotte Wehr, Lucy van der Waal, Collie Cooper, Teal Taylor, Zoe McAllister, Willow Betts, Shelby Hayden, Brooke Graham, Nikkita Simpson, Bronte Ellis, Mrs Adams.


Welcome back to the New School Year for 2022! It was a  different start to the new year, with RAT becoming our norm but are  looking forward to the year ahead with positivity. Life brings change and challenge. Challenges can be seen as opportunities waiting to be discovered, opportunities for students to strive for their personal best. 


We welcome the new children to our school community: Austin Bailey, Milani Betts, Ruby Chapman, Clayton Cooper, Delilah Cooper, Newberry Ferrer, Cotton Gray, Henry Grob, Christopher Hodgman, Harleen Kaur, Lewis Masterson, Georgie Meyer, Lucy Newberry, Claire Pietsch, Xavier Price, Elizabeth Ramsay, George Ramsay, Nash Smyth, Teal Taylor, Zach Tremain, Roy Watson, Charlotte Wehr, Ivy Wu welcome to kindergarten and Chantelle Dixon who has joined Stage 1 BLUE.

We also welcome our new staff members for 2022: Mrs Kirsty Malby Miller, Mr Ron Webel and Mrs Michelle Tarrant who returns this year. 


Sadly during the holidays one of our families lost a loved one. Our thoughts and prayers are with Sophia McLeod and her family on the loss of their grandfather, Robert Ramsay.



You are reminded that supervision at school does not start until 8:40 am and concludes at 3:40 pm. Students are not to be on school grounds outside of these times.



9.00am            Start of day bell

9.10am             Start classes, gates close

11.10am           Recess

11.40am           Recommence classes

1.40pm              Lunch

2.30pm              Recommence classes

3.20pm              Dismissal 



In reference to classes on the Term planner the following applies:

STAGE 3                          Years 5 and 6

STAGE 2                          Years 3 and 4

STAGE 1                           Year 1 and 2

EARLY STAGE 1             Kindergarten 



ADIG offers student banking to the children at your school. Each deposit earns your school 30cents commission regardless of the deposit amount and every account helps your school, parish and Diocese.

If you would like your child to be involved in Student Banking please contact the school office for an application form.



The school has the rule of no hat no play. The children who forget their hat are to sit in a designated area.  The office has spare hats for excursions etc but try not to make it a practice that students lend them for recess and lunch.



Riding of bikes to school is another means of transportation. The RTA recommends that children under 10 should not be riding unsupervised. All children riding bikes must wear an approved safety helmet.



There are times when different arrangements are made and your child needs to be advised. To ensure that messages are received by the children if possible, please ring before lunch. There are times especially on sports days where it is difficult to locate a child before the bell goes. We appreciate your assistance in this matter.



These forms are sent home at the start of each year and the information on them contains contact numbers and medical information for your child. These will be sent home with the students next week. 

You are asked to read the information, correct anything that has changed, complete and sign the back and return it to the school. The information is then updated on our computer system. Please return these forms to the school by Tuesday 1st March. If we do not have the correct information at the school it is difficult for us to contact you if need be. If your details change during the year please contact the school as soon as possible.



The students are given the chance to order books and items from Scholastic Book Club throughout the year. There are 8 issues per year. Our book club coordinator is Tess Lonergan. If your child wishes to place an order, please fill in the order form and send in an envelope with correct money to your class teacher. Orders can also be made online via LOOP. Orders are processed and when the items return to the school they are distributed to your child to take home. 

If the items are for gifts it is recommended that you put your name and contact number on the top of the order and you will be rung to collect them. As Scholastic gives the school a best before date to place our orders we ask that the orders be returned to school by the due date noted in the newsletter. We cannot accept late orders. If you have any questions, please contact the school. 

Issue 1 catalogues are available to your child this week. They will be given the catalogues by their teachers. Orders will be due back at school by FRIDAY 11th FEBRUARY.

Rapid antigen surveillance testing

It is recommended that when students and staff return to school after recovering from COVID-19, they do not participate in RAT surveillance for 28 days (four weeks after recovery) following release from self-isolation. This is due to NSW Health advice that people who have recovered from COVID-19 have a low risk of contracting it again in the following 28 days. During the 4 week period after recovery, only test for COVID-19 if new symptoms develop. 

After 28 days (from the beginning of the fifth week after recovery), students and staff may resume participation in RAT surveillance.