Physical Education & Sport 

Develop a love for movement 

Term 1 PE  

We have capped off an amazing start to the term by connecting with our new classmates through a variety of fun and active connection and team work based activities. All grades have worked closely together to complete tasks that require teamwork, communication and trust in each other. 

During sport our grade 5 & 6 students have been practicing in preparation for the upcoming Summer Sports Gala day. The cricket, volleyball, basketball and teeball teams have been improving each session and are looking forward to competing.  It should be a great day for all.

Moving forward, the focus for our prep to 2 will be on 'Moving and Understanding our Bodies.' Grades 3 & 4 will be looking at 'Health and Fitness games' while grade 5 & 6 will be looking into 'Skill Related Fitness Components.'


Ryan Smith