Year 6 Report

Welcome Grade 6 parents.  We are very excited to be working with your children this year in their last year of primary school.


This term in Literacy, the Grade 6 students are analysing, critiquing and unpacking print and digital advertisements.  During Reading Sessions, students will be exposed to a variety of advertisements they may or may not have seen, together we will discover why and how advertisements are made, who they are targeted at, how their slogans are created and what language techniques advertisers use to sell a product.  Grade 6's will explore the advertising strategies used in everyday media to create their own advertisement and marketing campaign. Throughout the term, Grade 6's will also further develop their reading strategies as they continue to read fiction and non-fiction texts and work hard to achieve their individual reading goals. All classes will be reading a serial novel; 6A are reading 'Two Weeks with the Queen', 6B are reading 'Break Your Chains' and 6C are reading 'The Book of Chance'.


In Numeracy this term, the Grade 6 students will begin the year by building on their place value knowledge. Students will begin to explore the concept of decimal and fractional numbers. Grade 6's will be exploring decimal numbers in real life, using these numbers to play fluency games and working through the problem solving strategies model to solve worded problems. They will also be applying addition, subtraction, multiplication and division strategies to decimal equations and problems. Speed and accuracy of multiplication facts will continue to be a focus this term.  



This Term in Inquiry, Grade 6 students will explore a Health topic, focusing on adolescent growth and development. Students will understand the best practices to build and maintain positive relationships. Grade 6's will explore the importance of maintaining positive relationships with themselves and others and discover resources in our community to help us maintain our relationships.



  • School begins at 8:50am and finished at 3:10pm
  • Students must bring hats and drink bottles to school each day
  • Student diaries need to be used at home and at school
  • 16th and 17th February - Meet the Teacher
  • 23rd - 25th February - 5/6 Camp
  • 21st March - Harmony Day
  • Last day of Term - Colour Run