Year 5 Report

Term 1 2022

Welcome, Grade Five parents.


We are all very excited about working with your children this year. We start the year off with the schools 'Start Up' program, ensuring that the students and their teacher collaboratively create classroom expectations for their learning. 


This term, we will continue to support your children in their journey to what makes a good learner.

During Reading this term we will be exposing the students to various persuasive expositions to familiarise themselves with the text structures and features of such texts so that during Writing they can create their own on topics they are passionate about. Words in contexts, monitoring and self-correcting and adjusting how they read depending on what they are reading will continue to be a focus this term.


In Mathematics Place Value will be our focus. The students will be working on numbers to ten of thousands. Focusing on recognising, representing and ordering these numbers. They will also be working on rounding and estimating to prepare them for problem solving activities including mental strategies. In addition students will be continuing to extend their ability to read and use 12 and 24 hour time.


Our Inquiry topic this term covers our ‘Health and Wellbeing’. Conversations will revolve around being healthy, safe and active. Questions for discussion will be; How do our choices affect our lives? What does it mean to be fit? How can goal setting improve my health? How do people’s lifestyles affect their health? Also Positive relationships at school and within the community. (THIS IS ALSO PART OF RESPECTFUL RELATIONSHIPS)


Finally staff and students are very excited and looking forward to the Grade 5/6 camp late February.


Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns and we look forward to meeting you at Meet and Greet shortly.

Please refer below for important dates to remember.


Dates to Remember

FEBRUARY 16th and 17th - Meet and Greet

FEBRUARY 14th-18th – Whole school incursion – Team Building

FEBRUARY 23rd -25th – Grade 5/6 Camp

MARCH 14th – Labour Day (Public holiday)


APRIL 8TH – Colour Run/Last day of term