Our First Week of School

by Miss Epskamp

This week has been fabulous! We have had so much fun settling into our new classes. Here is a list of highlights from some of the teachers at DPS.


Miss Spiteri - I liked seeing all my students looking very smart in their school uniform for the first day of Prep and walking in with their big smile!


Miss Larsen - My favourite part of this week is learning about my beautiful new students and really getting to know them personally! I love my new class already.


Mrs Corfios - In 6C, we had a discussion on the Good Habits of the Mind. Students celebrated their strengths as well identified areas where they can improve. There was a soul bearing and intense conversations! 🙂


Miss P - My favourite part of this week has been having the students back at school, watching them reconnect with their peers and seeing how enthusiastic they are about their learning. 🙂 


Here is a list of highlights from some of the wonderful students at DPS.


Sara PQ - I like playing outside.


Sofia PQ - I like drawing.


Max PQ - I LOVE drawing.


Nilia PQ - At school, I like to play with toys and my friends.


Amal 2C - My first week of school has been been good because I've liked seeing my friends and the teachers.  


Olivia 3B - I liked labelling my books and my book box.


Kate 3B - I like being in 3B because I'm in the same class as my friends.


Emma 6C - I liked helping and supporting the new DPS Preps at recess and lunch time. I enjoyed getting to know and developing friendships with the new 'little' people in our community!


Altiyan - I love Grade Six. This week I really enjoyed the Habits of the Mind lesson that we did.