Assistant Principal's Report

Miss Epskamp

Hi DPS families, my name is Miss Epskamp and I am the Assistant Principal at DPS this year. I was previously a Grade Two teacher, which is why many families will know me already. This year part of my role will be Student Welfare, Student Wellbeing and Leading Curriculum, all of which I am really passionate about. I look forward to seeing all of you throughout the year whether it’s before or after school at the gate, at an assembly or at a whole school event. Please come and say hi!   


I am so pleased to let you all know that we have had a wonderful start to the 2022 school year. It was great to see all of the students entering DPS on the very first day of school, happy to see their friends, their classroom teacher and their classroom. I have walked around the school and visited classrooms each day this week and been impressed by how calm, settled and comfortable the students are in their new environment. Classes have been working on establishing rules and routines, setting up expectations and learning about their classmates and their new teacher. I have seen lots of self portraits, family drawings and graphs displaying birthdays, eye colour and favourite colour. 


Well done to the DPS students, you are already displaying our school values: Determination, Pride and Success. We are so proud of you!