Student Achievement Awards 

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Olivia, you have blown me away with your growth mindset in Phonics!! Well done on working hard to say the sounds and read the words! Keep on shining!


Caleb, congratulations on the diligent and enthusiastic attitude that you demonstrate throughout all class tasks. It was great to see the fantastic effort you put into your 'Lift the Flap' Writer's Notebook entry.


Well done Michelle on your smooth and fantastic start to school! In Writing, you drew our learning environment and labelled the book, pencil case, table and chair. You also wrote a brilliant sentence 'We use a greylead', to go with your picture. You should be so proud!


Kohshi, you have blown me away with your positive attitude and the consistent effort that you have put into all classroom activities. You have shown excellent writing behaviours and beautiful handwriting techniques during the writing lessons. Keep up the good work!


Arvind, it has been wonderful to see you write so beautifully and putting detail into your sentences. They have been very entertaining. Congratulations on your excellent reading as well. It has been great to hear you using expression when reading aloud.


Jayden this week you thought deeply about who you are as a writer and wrote some really insightful thoughts in your Writer's Notebook. I'm very proud of you for being so reflective and thinking about your strengths and areas for improvement as a writer. Well done Jayden!


Owen, it has been wonderful to see the fantastic effort you have applied to your learning this week! You published a wonderful page for our class book using Pamela Allen's writing techniques and you also included great detail in your drawing. Keep up the amazing work!


Levi has shown excellent reading behaviours this week. He has made fantastic connections from the texts he has read and he has been able to describe the moral of a story in detail. Keep up the wonderful work Levi.


Mia, congratulations on a wonderful start to Year 4. You should be very proud of how well you organise yourself as a learner each day. Your confidence in rounding larger numbers to the nearest 10,000 last week was fabulous to see. Well done!


Welcome and Congratulations Carlos on a sensational beginning at Syndal South and 3/4P. It is wonderful to observe how you have adapted to different school and learning routines in Australia. Keep up that positive attitude!


Riley has a positive attitude to learning every day. He puts in his best efforts and is a self-motivated learner. I am so proud of the way you approach learning Riley. Keep up the fantastic work!


Angela participated really well in our class discussion about the book ‘Willy and the Cloud’. She made an insightful contribution about the cloud that followed Willy. Great thinking Angela keep it up!


Congratulations Oneli on your excellent lift the flap writing. It was a pleasure to use this outstanding piece of writing as a mentor text. You are a Super Star!


Congratulations Kate on your wonderful enthusiasm for learning. I love how you always ask questions and seek feedback to make sure you complete your work to the highest standard. Keep bee-ing amazing!

Junior JapaneseHarvey FA

Harvey, you have been such a good learner in Japanese this week, by sitting straight and looking at Sensei, lining up beautifully, treating your classmates and Sensei with respect and participating in all the activities with great enthusiasm! What a super star! Subarashii (excellent), Harvey! Yoku dekimashita.

Senior JapaneseAdaliah 34P

Adaliah, you have shown great courage and positive learning attitude during Japanese lesson this week. Although you are new to learning Japanese, you listened attentively, enthusiastically contributed to the class discussions and completed all the reading tasks to a high standard. Subarashii (excellent), Adaliah! Yoku dekimashita.