At this year's AGM, a new committee was elected:
Chair: Ben Kilby
Deputy-Chair: Jill Howells
Secretary: Ben Reeves
Treasurer (interim): Ben Kilby
Education Officer: Janette Poulton
Committee Member: Harry Galatis
VAPS also has two subcommittees.
The PIPS subcommittee will focus on the activities of our Philosophy in Public Spaces (PIPS) programs. This includes program design, resources, event management and organisation, new initiatives, and school recruitment.
The VCE subcommittee will focus on the activities related to VCE Philosophy. This includes the VAPS VCE Forums, connections between VCE & Tertiary Philosophy, Exam preparation, and VCE Network Meetings.
A chair for both of these subcommittees will be elected at their first meeting.
Please contact to express joining either subcomittee. All interested parties are encouraged and welcomed to join these subcommittees.
VAPS is reliant on the support of volunteers and encourages all VAPS members to become more involved in the organisation, even in small part.