AGM - Chair's Report

Another tough year with covid disruptions.
Our PIPS events were all cancelled in person for 2021, as they were in 2022, significantly disruption the work of the association in that space.
In 2021, VAPS made a financial loss of approximately $2,500. We currently have a healthy surplus in the bank and anticipate returning to a positive financial position in the years going forward with covid disrupting our activities less.
A success from 2020 was our execution of the SPP grant to support regional and rural schools, which is now complete. We worked to develop resources, videos, and partnerships that enable greater access to the expertise of VAPS for regional and remote students. I thank Selena Prior, Bonnie Zuidland, and Janette Poulton for their contributions in this area.
At the end of 2020 we submitted a proposal for the new round of SPP funding. In April it was confirmed that we would receive $124,000 over 2022-23 to support the expansion of PIPS events. This includes creating new events, incorporating new personnel, and providing subsidised and free access to events for students and schools meeting any of the DETs equity characteristics, such as socio-economic, CALD, and regional/remote status. We are hoping to show significant growth and development in PIPS in the next 18 months.
To support our growth, we have been looking for new personnel to support VAPS in paid positions. This includes roles in VAPS' professional learning, PIPS events, and VCE & tertiary connections.
I wish to thank the outgoing executive committee for their work over the past year. I also wish to thank the leaders of our subcommittees who have done a fantastic job in their areas.
This coming year will bring new challenges, as we are trying to expand PIPS much larger than ever before after 2 years of lost relationships with schools. We will need to work with our community and members to best support the VCE Forums and VAPS professional learning suite going forward, as we now have the option for both in person or online events which we haven't had before.
I'm sure the new executive committee and subcommittees will be able to manage this and provide vision and direction for VAPS going forward.