
Whole School
Every Tuesday & Thursday - Breakfast Club on Both Campuses - 8.15am
(Except for the First week and Last week of the Term)
Whole School
Tuesday 7th - Crazy Hair Day - Gold Coin Donation
Friday 10th - Pupil Free Day
Monday 13th - Queens Birthday Public Holiday
Friday 24th - Last Day of Term 2
Friday 24th - School Finishes at 1:15pm
Wednesday 8th - Year 5/6 Tee ball Gala
Thursday 9th - Athletics Carnival
Friday 10th - Year 4 - Year 6 Assembly
Tuesday 21st - Parent Teacher Interviews - Adjusted School Day
Wednesday 22nd - Year 3/4 Hoop Time
Friday 24th - End of Term Awards
Friday 3rd - Thursday 9th - Year 11 and 12 Exams
Wednesday 15th - Year 9 Outdoor Ed - MTB Ride
Wednesday 15th - Song, Dance and Drama Night
Friday 24th - End of Term Awards
Friday 24th - Year 11 - Legal Studies - Court Room Excursion