Readers Cup

Wednesday 26th October 2022

On Wednesday, Lexi, Talia, Fletcher, Addison, Jack and Hughie travelled to Dunkeld with Mrs Bell for the Readers Cup. It was a fantastic day where they met author, Justin D'Ath. and did you know his surname was originally 'Death' but his dropped the e for the apostrophe because his grandfather, a doctor, was Dr. Death and it just didn't quite sound right! 


The students showcased their skills with their responses in the quiz section. After reading a text each they became the expert and were able to lead the group to success. The second part of the cup was to create a creative response based on one of the texts. The students chose to write and film their interpretation of the book 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell. They should be extremely proud of their efforts!


Well done to our team who were supported by Mrs Brabham and Mrs Bell with their entries. Often the focus is always is on sporting achievements rather than the interest of literature and reading. This is a great opportunity for students to read new authors and explore different interests.