Year 5/6 News

What a flutter of activities it has been over the past few weeks in Year 5/6. We have been fortunate to celebrate Grandparents Day, see our businesses preparing to launch, watch our victorious girls basketball team progress to State Championships, and host a pre-school in our outdoor learning gardens.
Grandparent's Day
What a wonderful treat it was having many grandparents visit our learning spaces last Friday. Grandparents and students engaged in a multitude of games and relished in the opportunity to spend quality time together.
We loved the opportunity to welcome grandparents into our learning spaces and look forward to many more visits and help!
Connecting with our community
It was wonderful to see our outdoor learning gardens being shared with local pre-schools. A group of children from Guardian Preston West arrived to explore our garden areas, visit our chickens and see the hard work our community garden business and Garden Club groups have put in to our outdoor learning spaces. Selected students demonstrated their knowledge of the garden and thrived in demonstrating their leadership skills as they supported the pre-school children.
Well done to Graziella, Elora, Sabine, Marcus, and Alex for their leadership and support. The pre-school teachers commented on these students being ‘wonderful ambassadors for their school, friendly and kind, and keeping the children safe. They provided all sorts of information about different plants, herbs, and flowers.’
We look forward to continuing these partnerships with local community groups.
It has been pleasing to see students continue to engage in the self-directed model of learning in Mathematics. Students have continued to identify and select appropriate goals and clinics using pre-assessment data. They have investigated Patterns and Algebra, exploring equivalent number sentences, patterns, and the order of operations. All goals and PSTs can be found on our Google Classroom page. We encourage you to engage in a discussion with your child on their learning goal.
As part of our Maths Challenge group, students have extended their thinking by using problem-solving strategies to solve different problems.
They have been using their reasoning skills and justifying their thinking through engaging in puzzles. You might like to have a go yourself at some of them!
The results of our Maths Olympiad and Maths Games competitions can be found on the Mathematics page of the newsletter.
This term in Religious Education and Wellbeing, we have explored our own personal understanding of justice. We investigated behaviours which demonstrate sensitivity to individuals, social, and cultural differences. We explored Scripture which demonstrated how acting fairly is an important way to show God's love.
As part of our ongoing focus on Gratitude, students created a gratitude tree, reflecting on all the things they are grateful for and ways we can show this through random acts of kindness.
Within our explicit teaching of Wellbeing, students have identified a focus for the term. These include:
- Positive gender relations
- Positive Coping & Stress Management
- Problem-solving
Problem-Based Learning
As we prepare to launch our businesses over the coming weeks, we have one more survey created by the students which we would love to receive your feedback through. Please find the link to the survey below:
Week 7 & 8 Learning Intentions
Important Dates
Wonder of Living - Tuesday 8th November Parent/Child information evening
Remembrance Day - November 11th
Whole School Assembly-Friday 25th November
Girls Basketball team State finals - November 22nd
Staff Contacts
5/6A - Max Allan
5/6D - Annie Dullard
5/6SV - Emma Sbizzirri
Matt Vernal
Please note, we will respond to emails Monday to Friday, between the hours of 8am- 5pm.